Year Fifteen

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"Are you ready?" Louis asked, walking in the bedroom.

"Be honest Louis. Should I just cut my hair off and get it over with?" Harry asked, playing around with his long curly hair. Louis chuckled and shook his head. "I like your long hair." He admitted.

Harry let out a desperate sigh. "But don't I look like a thug or something."

Louis walked over, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist from behind. "It looks fine Harry. Makes you look like the girl in the relationship." He told his playfully.

Harry gasped, turning around to smack Louis, making the older boy laugh.

Many people had asked who was the girl in the relationship when they came out as a couple to the world. It had irritated them since the whole point of being gay is being two guys but now it had become their little joke.

"If you keep this up, we'll be late." Louis told Harry as he walked out the room. He smiled when hearing Harry say that he was almost ready. He sat on the couch to wait. Ten minutes passed, then twenty and then thirty. Louis groaned, getting up and stomping towards the bedroom.

"Will you be done sometime this year?" He asked once he walked in. His eyes landed on a row of Harry's shoes on the ground. The men himself stood in front of the mirror with a pair of shoes in his hands, holding them next to his feet the see if it looked good.

"Harry, this is a birthday party, not fashion week." Harry laughed but ignored the comment, grabbing another pair of shoes.

Louis put his hands on his hips. "How about I just meet you there instead?" Louis suggested. Harry's head snapped up. "You can't! This is our first year going as a couple!"

"Then hurry up! I'll be waiting in the car." Louis went out to the car, Harry following soon behind. Within a few minutes they pulled up to Jay's house. Everyone was already there of course.

The couple got out the car and walked up to the door. They walked in and were instantly greeted by guests. They chatted with people for a bit, Louis thanking them for coming.

More people then ever had came this year, which surprised Harry. He didn't know that Jay knew these many people.

When the night came, Louis went out to start the fire and left Harry inside. The young boy was soon in a conversation with one of Louis' uncles who he had only seen a handful of times before.

"So you and Louis are a couple?" The men asked. Harry nodded with a smile. "It's officially been a year today."

"Don't you two have a big age gap?" He then asked. Harry frowned, dreading what was about to come. "A ten year gap."

"So you're only 20?" Harry nodded, wanting to escape. He was getting tired of all the comments about their age difference. He never understood what the problem was. He had been in love with Louis since he was a kid, so what was wrong?

The uncle then looked out with a smile. "Looks like the fire has started." Harry let out a sigh of relief, following the men out.

Louis waited by the fire for Harry with a smile. Everyone else was also making their way out, many of them complaining about how cold it was. Harry frowned at them. He thought that they should just have stayed inside then.

That's when he realized that everyone was looking at him and Louis. He looked over at his boyfriend who was sweating like crazy.

"Is something going on?" Harry asked. Louis simply nodded.

"Harry, we met here exactly 15 years ago. You were just a little boy and me a teenager. This is also where we first said our 'I love you' s and where you became my boyfriend." Louis started.

"I know all of this. I was part of it, remember?" Louis chuckled and nodded.

"Maybe I should just skip the huge speech." He mumbled, getting down on one knee. He pulled out a ring from his pocket, making Harry gasp.

"Harry, I don't care about our age different because I-"

"YES!" Harry yelled. Louis frowned.


"It's a yes! Yes I'll marry you!"

"But I wasn't done talk-"

"Who cares. I'm saying that I'll marry you!" Louis laughed, putting the ring on his fiancé. Harry smiled down at it, turning to Jay who was just next to them filming the whole thing.

"Jay! I'm going to be your son in law!" He excitedly told her the obvious.

"Hey! Shouldn't you be hugging me and telling me how much you love me?" Louis said. Harry smiled at him, jumping in his arms.

"I love you Louis. So much."

"I love you too Harry."

Harry then pulled away. "Can we adopt a baby too?" Louis chuckled. "Let's start with getting married, yeah?"

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