Year Seven

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Louis was annoyed with Niall. The younger boy had left to Ireland for a month. Louis was a boy and couldn't possibly deal with a month without any sexual interaction. Also, he missed Niall. They usually spent every single day together but he was now alone for a whole month.

Louis greeted Anne when she walked through the door. To Louis' surprise, Gemma walked in behind her. Louis smiled, hugging Gemma. "So, I heard you came out as gay?" She asked with a small smile. Louis chuckled, nodding. "I guess you made me go so crazy that I had to turn to guys." He joked, making everyone except Harry laugh.

Louis then smiled down at Harry. "And how's my favorite little men?" He asked. Harry frowned. "I'm not little. Now, where's Niall?" Harry asked.

"Visiting family in Ireland. How cool is that?" Louis tried to make Harry smile but nothing was working. "Pretty boring actually." He answered, walking away and to the back yard. Louis frowned, looking up at Anne.

Anne shrugged. "He didn't want to come this year." Louis was a little confused. Harry usually always looked forward to the party.

He decided to go find Harry and see what was up. He walked out to the back yard, seeing Harry sitting in the grass. Louis walked over, taking a seat next to the small boy. "I missed you." Louis said. Harry rolled his eyes, looking up at the sky. Louis did the same, smiling at all the stars.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Louis asked. Harry stayed still and silent, making Louis sigh. "Want to talk about it?"

"It's nothing, I just didn't want to come here."

"But why didn't you want to come?" Louis asked, looking down at Harry. The younger boys eyes stayed on the dark sky. Louis gave up, lying back on the grass to watch the stars.

This year, the party had started later. Most guest would stay the night and would have a huge breakfast the next morning. Louis was excited to see Harry in the morning but not with an attitude like that.

"Is it because you have to sleep here?" Louis asked after a while. Harry finally let out a sigh, lying back on the grass next to Louis.

"I think you don't really care about me." Harry said in a small voice. "But even if you don't, I care about you."

Louis frowned. "What makes you think that?" He asked, putting his hands behind his head. "Every year now, all you care about is Niall. You two always fight and push me aside. It's like fighting with Niall was more important then being happy with me."

Louis stared up at the sky, understanding where Harry was coming from. He also realized that it was true. All Louis and Niall did was fight but they loved each other. The relationship was pushing aside every other relationship Louis had.

"I'm sorry about that. It wont happen again, I promise. You come first Harry." He saw Harry smile from the corner of his eyes, letting him know everything was alright now.

"Oh and another thing! May I sleep with you tonight?" Harry asked, looking over at Louis. The older men smiled and nodded. "Of course."

It was getting late and Louis was getting tired. He sat on the couch, texting Niall on his phone. Most people had went to bed but some where still wide awake. Louis put his phone in his pocket, looking up at Harry who stood by the window, looking out at the stars.

"You really like the stars." Louis said. Harry nodded. "They shine so bright like they're so happy and they try to share it. That's how I want to be one day."

Louis smiled standing up. "You will be, I promise. Now let's go to bed. I'm tired." Harry nodded, following Louis up to his room.

"Do you have pyjamas or something?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head. "I sleep in my briefs."

Louis blushed at this. He could only imagine how Harry would look when he was older in only his tight briefs. He groaned, disgusted to even think such a thing.

The older boy usually slept in his briefs but with a kid in his bed, he forced to put on a pyjama bottom. He walked to his dresser, grabbing the pants. He started getting undressed as did Harry. Once they were both in their briefs, Louis put the Pyjama on and smiled at Harry who was watching him.

Louis opened the curtain of his window next to his bed so Harry could fall asleep while looking at the stars. Harry got in bed while Louis closed the light. Louis then took his place in his bed, ready to sleep.

Louis couldn't sleep. Harry had his eyes wide open, just looking out at the stars. Louis found the boy cute and just wanted to cuddle him but knew that would be weird.

"I hope one day you will be like a star." Harry whispered. Louis smiled. "Yeah, me too."

"Harry?" Louis then asked. The young boy looked over, waiting for what Louis had to say. "Will you tell me now why you said that you were my future boyfriend?"

Harry smiled and shook his head. "Not yet. You have to be patient."

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