Day three:

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     I walked into first block early. Not even on time or late. Just early. Early as in I was the only one in his class room at that moment in time. Other than him.
Mr. Hanes didn't seem to notice that I had walked in because he was nose deep in a conversation on his phone, which was okay because I didn't really want him to pay attention to me.
     "Staring is impolite, you know."
I was more startled than anything because I didn't think he noticed.
"You are staring at me."
"And you're nose deep in your phone." I said taking out my notebook, "I didn't know you were paying attention."
He looked up at me.
"Yeah, I noticed." He said, "need anything?"
     "Need anything? I don't need anything from you, Mr. Hanes."
     "Good. Then you can write stuff on the board for today."
     I stood up and walked to the board. I grabbed a marker and looked at him expectantly. He turned and looked at me in his rolling-swivel chair.
     "Okay, whenever you feel like it."
     He was making me annoyed with him. I really didn't want to write on the board for him, but I was going to do it anyway to be a nice person.
     He told me what to put on the board then he turned back to look at his phone. I put the lid on the marker, set it back down, and then I went to the other side of his desk. I picked up a pen and sticky note from his desk.
     "Might I ask what your doing?" He asked looking up at me.
     "You may, but I might not answer." I said uncapping the pen, "Yeah, I probably won't tell you."
     "Okay, then carry on."
     I wrote my cellphone number on it and stuck it onto his phone. Then everyone else started to walk in.
"Call me if you want to. Text me if you don't." I said at a half-whisper.
I felt weirdly refreshing. I wanted to do that, but I'm pretty shy, and that was pretty illegal... Actually that was completely illegal.
I went and sat down at my seat and he looked at me. I just smiled and looked at my phone as the tardy bell went off.
I just gave him my number.
Good, see, didn't that make you feel better?
Yes, it kind of did.
I told you it would.
     "Okay, everyone. Put your phones up and pay attention to the board."
     The bell was about to ring, and I looked at my phone for the time.
     Unknown number:
Kate, this is illegal.
I couldn't help but smile.
I didn't peg you as a rule breaker, Mr. Hanes.
Mr. Hanes:
I usually don't, but for this second I'll do it.
I'm glad you decided to be a bad boy. ;)
     What the Hell am I doing?
     I looked up at him, and he was looking at Abigail. She was talking to him about something. I got a pang of something, but ignored it. I had enough to think about.
The bell rang as soon as he looked up at me. I left to go to my next class.

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