Day nine

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(Bennett Turner)
Days fly by (now that school is a semi-regular routine), and Kendal and I are sitting in my car waiting for the 8:20 bell to signal the inevitable walk up the stairs.
     I'm used to Mr. Hanes, and I don't hate him anymore its just that I hate walking up stairs everyday.
     "Do you ever think about him?" She asked putting her hair up in a bun, "I mean..."
     "Who are we talking about?"
     Not now, Kendal, not now.
     She finished putting her hair in a bun then sat back in the seat and looked over at me. I refused to look her way.
     "I don't want to upset you, Kate, but talking about it helps."
     "Talking about what?"
     She knew that I didn't want to hear his name spoken out loud or in my head, and I didn't want to see him again (which could happen given the fact that we attend the same high school), but as long as I was sane that wasn't going to happen.
     "Never mind... You know Kyle offered to beat him up. All you have to do is say yes."
     Then I broke.
     "Stop fucking referencing Bennett, okay! I get it. He's a mother fucking asshole, but what am I supposed to do about it?"
     "Kate... I..."
     "Just stop, okay, can you do that? Can you just stop? I punched him in the face. He has the scar to prove it. There is nothing else to say about the subject of Bennett Turner."
     I threw her my keys and got out.
     "Lock the door when you get out."
     The door cut her off.
     I'm a firm believer in karma. That and my passive aggressive nature can really screwed someone up, but if there is one person on this earth that needs to be ran over by a bus like Regina George it's Bennett Turner.
     I walked upstairs to Mr. Hanes's room. He was hopefully going to be a distraction due to the fact that I felt like crying.
He was standing in the hallway manning his door like almost always.
     "Good morning, Kate." He said with a smile.
     Great, even this has ruined his perfect smile. I need to go home.
     "Are you alright?"
     "Yes sir and good morning."
     I took my seat, and took out my binder (I got my book bag out when I left), and looked at my phone.
Please don't hate me.
I could never hate you. I just greatly dislike you at this moment.
Then you're really going to hate me.
No more stuff about *middle finger emoji*
Then I'll let you figure it out.
The day has just started and it was not my best. Then it got worse. Bennett walked in. He literally walked into my room, smiled at his friends in the back, then sat next to me like what happened between us never happened.
      Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"Hello, Kate, how have you been?"
"Son of a bitch." I said getting up and running out of the room.
     I ran past Mr. Hanes and ran to the bathroom.
I didn't wait for Mr. Hanes to ask where I was going.
     "How did he know I was in this class? I had him gone for about a year."
I looked into the mirror then I texted Kendal.
You knew, didn't you?
Yes, I tried to tell you, but you were too upset. I was bringing it up in the car because I heard him say that he was going to transfer into your class that and he wants you back.
Thanks. I'll tell you if I kill him. We can bury later.
Sounds good.
     Kendal had first block with him before he decided to transfer and shake-up my world.
I collected myself then walked back into the class past the tardy bell going off. (I doubted that Mr. Hanes would count me as tardy.) Bennett was still sitting next to me with his signature smile plastered on his dumb ass face.
     Oh, what I would give to smack that look off your face.
     "Miss me?" He asked me while taking off his letterman jacket, "oh, did you see my new patch? I got it after you punched me in the face. It's for baseball."
     I looked at his lip. The scar was there. I punched him and my class ring cut the skin right above his lip. He showed me the patch that was on his jacket.
     You really are a good sports player... But I still hate you.
     "Why?" I asked.
     "Why what?"
     "You're here. In my class. Out of every history class you join mine."
     He looked at me with his brown eyes.
     "I missed you."
     "You cheated on my with a slutty cheerleader."
     "One fluke accident..."
     "You kissed her three inching away form me, sober might I add, and continued to see her after you promised you were done."
     "That was my word against Kyle's."
     "And I believe Kyle."
     "Admit it. You still love me."
     "You're right. I do. I dream about us every night hoping that you would ask me out again and then everything would be alright just like it once was."
     He had a hopeful look in his eyes. Then I laughed.
     "Right, after dating for two years then you cheated on me with a whore during the beginning of the third year. Us getting back together is your dream." I said then leaned over to him, "I'm so glad you loved me enough to cheat."
     His face changed to mad after that, and he leaned over to me.
"I did love you, and that is a dream of mine for us to get back together."
I sat back up and rolled my eyes.
     "Okay, everyone we have a new student that transferred into our class. Everyone should know him, so, let's get started on our lesson."
     I could feel Bennett looking at me and watching me. He knew me pretty well since he asked me out freshman year. It was paradise then his jock nature got the better of him.
The class went on, and I didn't want to be there. It seemed to drag on for longer than one hour and thirty minutes.
When the bell rang I packed up my things quickly then ran to AP Psychology that was downstairs.
I still can't believe that he showed up there. God is punishing me, but for what I do not know.
Psychology went by without surprises, which was a good thing. Except for Mr. Hanes texting me.
Mr. Hanes:
Are you alright?
Yes, the 'new' guy and I have a history, and I hate him.
Mr. Hanes:
It's none of my business, but what happened?
Cheated on me with a slutty cheerleader.
Mr. Hanes:
How cliché. My fiancée cheated on me with my best friend.
Typical, besides Bennett is the captain of the football, wrestling, and baseball teams.
Mr. Hanes:
Even more cliché.
Tell me about it. What is your first name?
Mr. Hanes:
Raymond... I like that name.
Ray for short, but you can't call me that in public.
Don't worry. I just need something shorter to call you on my phone.
I have to go.
As do I.
     He didn't respond back, which was okay.
     Ray... Raymond Hanes... What an interesting name.
     After we stopped texting it was time for the bell to go off and to head to math. I dropped off my things, and then went to lunch.

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