Day one hundered and seventy-nine

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     "Welcome, welcome, have a seat in the bleachers. Then once everyone is settled I will tell you what to do next."
     We were in the gym for the graduation rehearsal that was for the actual graduation ceremony that was happening tomorrow night at 7:30.
     I couldn't sit still from the mixture of nervous excitement that was running through me.
     Principal Stewart clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. We all looked at him.
"All right. As I call your name please come down here and sit in the seat I point you to." He said.
     Then he started calling names.
     "My name is coming up." I said, "I'm so excited."
     "Katelin Bailey."
     I got up and walked down to the seat that was going to be mine tomorrow night. I looked up at Kendal and Kyle. Kendal gave me a thumbs up.
He kept going down the roll. It was the longest roll call ever.
"Kendal Jones."
Kendal got up and walked to her seat.
It took so much longer after her name for Kyle's name to be called. I felt bad for the people whose name started with 'Z'.
"Kyle Parker."
He more or less ran to his seat and sat down. I knew he was more than ready to leave this place behind.
"Bennett Turner."
I watched Bennett walk from the bleachers down to his seat. We made eye contact and he smiled. I had to smile back.
It took about thirty minutes for him to go down the whole list. When Principal Stewart finished he put the clipboard under his arm and clapped his hands again.
"Okay, tomorrow the band will play Pomp and Circumstance until all of you are seated in these seats. Don't forget where you're sitting or who you are sitting by." He said, "after the Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and all of the class officers do speeches then I will say a sentiment about this year's graduating class then I will start calling names."
He stopped to clear his throat.
"The first row will stand accordingly. When the first row is almost done the second will follow suit." He looked over all of us, "as the first one goes by the band you will stop for a photo then go back to your seat. Ready to give it a try?"
Let's just say that I wasn't the only one that looked overwhelmed.
"Let's do this."
He walked over to the podium where the vice principal and some other faculty members were standing as we waited for it to start.
He stood up where the microphone was and started calling names.
"Katelin Annmarie Bailey."
It didn't feel real that the next day I was going to do this for real. It just hadn't sinked in yet, but at the same time I was fully aware of what tomorrow was.
"Kendal Sarah Jones."
She looked disappointed that she wasn't actually getting a diploma today.
"Kyle Andrew Parker."
He had a small smile on his face. Sure he wasn't smart enough to be a brain surgeon, but he still will graduate on time.
"Bennett Cade Turner with high honors."
He basically ran up to the podium to shake the vice principal's hand. I know she said congratulations even if he wasn't getting his diploma today.
They finished the names.
"We say congratulations on graduating, you finally did it... more sentimental stuff then you all rise."
We all stood up.
"Then you throw your hats into the air... then you pick it up and get bombarded by friends and family."
I did a huge sigh of relief. It felt good to get though the rehearsal, but the real thing was yet to come.
     Kendal, Kyle, and I sat in our regular booth at Fred's. It was the senior picnic, and we, for once, were really quiet. Kendal picked up her fries and dipped then into her chocolate milkshake, Kyle picked at his fries, and I looked down at my hamburger. Sure we were all going to the same place for college, but we knew how different it was all going to be.
"May I join you guys?"
We looked up at the sound of Bennett's voice.
"I guess you can." Kyle said.
He nodded and silently sat next to me.
"Kate, I'm sorry. I can say that forever, but I am sorry. I ruined your life then I tried to act like I could fix it. I know that I can't make it up to you, but I do hope that you can forgive me in some way."
"Bennett, we graduate tomorrow. It is all water under the bridge. Under our extremely wide, really long bridge. And besides. You didn't ruin it, completely by yourself. I had you black listed in my head since my father left. I was looking for some excuse to make my theory of how evil and despicable guys were valid. That's why I told myself I hated Kyle. Even if he doesn't deserve it. Well, now anyway."
Kyle looked at me, and I looked straight ahead.
"I guess I was too afraid that you would ruin it that I ruined it myself." I said, "but you did have some help in ruining it."
Bennett smiled at me.
"I guess you're right."
He gave me a sideways hug then stood-up.
"Good luck with Mr. Hanes. I know he'll treat you right."
     He left as quickly as he had appeared.
     "That's why you hate me? You thought I would leave Kendal for all these years?"
     "Yes, that is why."
     "Well, I didn't blame you for freshman or sophomore year, but by last year you should have known that I wasn't going to leave her."
     "I know, but after the thing with my dad I went into a 'guys are dogs thing' and... I'm sorry."
He smiled at me.
"Water under the bridge."
I smiled back at him.
"Look my boyfriend and best friend are finally getting along." She said hugging Kyle.
I glanced over at the door and Tony walked in.
"Minnesota just showed up."
Kendal let go of Kyle and looked to where I was.
"Tony Bear!"
She more or less shoved Kyle out of the booth and ran to her brother. Mr. Hanes walked in behind him.
"Ooo looks like the man of the hour is here."
     Kendal, Minnesota, and Mr. Hanes all came over. Kendal shoved Minnesota into the booth that I was in, and Mr. Hanes stood at the end of the table and pulled up a chair from a neighboring table.
     "Are you guys ready to graduate?" He asked.
     "Totally." I said, "I want to graduate."
     We made eye contact and smiled. Kendal kicked me under the table.
     'Ow' I mouthed.
     She shrugged her shoulders.
     "I'm ready." Kyle said, "high school was not kind to me."
     "More specifically Bennett." Kendal said, "but it's okay. It's all over tomorrow at 7:30 P.M."
     "This is true." He said, "But I hope that you three enjoyed somethings about high school."
     Mr. Hanes and I made eye contact again. Minnesota more or less broke it.
     "What's going on between you and Kate?"
     Everyone at the table looked at Minnesota.
     "What? I'm curious." He said shrugging his shoulders.
     "Nothing right now."
      "Yeah, nothing until tomorrow at 7:30."
     I kicked Kyle under the table. He gave me a dirty look.
     "Well, that's the idea."
     I blushed and looked down at my now cold hamburger and fries.
     "Nice, just treat her right, or I'll have to do something about it."
      I saw our waitress walk by.
     "Mrs. Carol."
"Yes dear?"
"Give the check to him." I said pointing to Mr. Hanes, "and can you take this please?"
"Of course."
     "And can you please bring us five to go waters?"
     "Anything for you." She said with a smile.
She took the plates and everything off the table. She left to get the check and our waters.
"Why me?" Mr. Hanes asked, "why do I get the check?"
"Because Kyle always picks up the check, Kendal and I are girls, and Minnesota is broke."
"I guess."
      "Hey I work."
     Kendal patted his had.
     "Oh Tony, you're broke."
Mrs. Carol came back with the check and the five to-go waters.
"Thank you."
"No problem. Just call me back over to pick up the check."
"Will do." Mr. Hanes said.
She smiled at him then walked away.
"I'm still sure that I'm getting shafted by having to pay."
"Get used to it." Kyle said, "Kate lives in the 20th century in her head."
"He's not wrong."
      He put thirty dollars into the check thing.
     "Mrs. Carol." He called, "keep the change."
     She took it from him.
     "Thank you."
     "No problem."
     "We should go." Kendal said, "we have to get Tony situated at your house... well, I guess it's our house now."
     "Yeah, I guess you're right."
     They stood up while Mr. Hanes and I sat in our seats a little longer.
     "You guys go ahead." I said, "I'll be there shortly."
     I hated the look on Kendal's face. I just rolled my eyes at it.
     They stood up and walked out of the restaurant. Mr. Hanes stood up and put the chair back. Then I stood up.
     "Walk me to my car?"
     "Of course, my lady."
     He held out his arm and I took it. I had to laugh at his gesture.
      "I don't completely live in the 20th century."
     "I know." He said with a smile.
     We walked out into the warm May air. It felt so good. It was a beautiful night. The moon showed up big and full in the sky.
     "If you give me a few minutes I'll turn into a werewolf."
      I laughed.
     "Me too." I said, "who knew that we had so much in common?"
     He smiled down at me, and I smiled back up at him.
     "I would kiss you... but as of right now it's frowned upon."
     "It's okay. As of tomorrow it won't matter."
     "I know, and I can't wait."
     We walked over to my car, and I opened the driver side door.
     "I guess this is goodbye and goodnight." He said.
     "No, it's never goodbye. It's see you later." I corrected, "and goodnight."
     "Of course."
     He kissed my cheek. I sat in the driver's seat. He looked at me for a second longer then closed the door. I watched him walk away to his car until the only thing I could see was the memory of his shadow.
"Well, Tony, welcome home I guess." My mom said, "you can take the spare bedroom, or on the couch in the living room. It's up to you."
"Thank you, Ms. Bailey."
"No problem."
     I only arrived home a few minutes after they did. Small town, short drive.
"Kate, can I speak with you for a moment?"
"Kyle, you have to leave soon, all right?"
"Will do Ms. Bailey."
     I followed my mom into the kitchen.
     "Your father said that he was coming to your graduation."
     "Kate, tell me what you really think. Don't shut down then run to your room."
     I looked at her. I was a mixture of emotions right then. I wanted to see him, but at the same time I wanted him to stay far, far away.
     "I'm good." I said, "I promise. I'm glad the dirt bag can take time away from his 'busy' schedule to see his daughter. You know. One of many daughters."
     I walked away from her.
     "Just peachy."
I walked back into the living room where Minnesota, Kendal, and Kyle were sitting.
"You okay?" Kendal asked.
"Yep, I'm fantastic."
I sat on the couch next to her. My mother showed up in the doorway not long after.
"I hate to do this, but you should go to bed, all of you. It's a long day tomorrow."
"Okay." I said standing up, "goodnight, guys."
     "Goodnight, Kate." Minnesota said getting off the couch.
     He walked into the spare room with his bag. Kyle got up and walked to the door.
Kendal followed me to the stairs.
"I'm going to walk Kyle to his car, okay?"
"Alright." I said, "bye, Kyle."
I went upstairs to my room, brushed my teeth, changed into pajamas, and got into bed. I had the bedside table light on so that she didn't come into the room in the complete dark.
     Kendal came up to the room a few minutes later, and then she got ready for bed.
"Want to talk about it?"
"Does eggplant come in any other color than purple?"
"Then you have your answer."
"Oh come on Kate."
"Night, Kendal."
I turned off the lights, and tired to go to sleep. I couldn't go to sleep until I read a text from Mr. Hanes:
Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow.
      I smiled at it and texted back:
Goodnight, Raymond.

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