Chrismas Break Tidbit

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The funeral was January 3rd. Two days before school started back for the new semester. Kendal, Kyle, Minnesota, me, and some of their other family members all stood around in the funeral home waiting for the time that we leave to go the the cemetery.
Minnesota looked unfazed, and Kyle was trying really hard to calm Kendal down. She was hysterical, and I expected nothing less.
"So, Minnesota, how's college wrestling going?" I asked trying to distract him.
He looked like if he was to answer he would crack.
"You can cry, Tony. Just because you're a man doesn't mean you can't cry."
He walked away from me and passed his sister and Kyle. He walked over to the door and composed himself.
"Kate, come here." Kyle called.
I walked over to them and Kendal hugged me tightly around the neck.
Tony walked back over and gently pulled Kendal away from me.
"It's time."
That only made her cry harder.
"May I have all the pall barres come and help." Tony said approaching the casket.
I knew he was about one word away from crying.
     Kyle went and helped him along with a few other family members.
The ride though the town was somber. Kendal kept her face hidden and in Kyle's shoulder the whole time. I sat next to Minnesota. He grabbed my hand and held on for dear life.
When we arrived at the cemetery we got out of the family car and they took the casket down to the site.
Nothing else in the world mattered but Kendal and Minnesota's well being.
We got down to the grave site and sat in chairs that were close to the grave. There was a quick service then she was lowered into the ground and covered it in dirt.
That was all she wrote.
"You want Kendal to live with me?" I asked him.
"Yes, I'm going to have to sell the house and her car just to pay for all these bills. Hospital and funeral expenses." He said, "and it's not going to be cheep."
"I told you I would help." Kyle said, "you know I will."
Tony looked at him.
"That is very kind of you, but..."
"Please. I feel like that is the only thing I can do for her right now."
"We'll see. I have to sell the house and her car first. Then we will see."
Kyle just nodded his head.
"It will be like a never ending sleep over." Kendal said with a very small smile, "Just like old times."
"Yeah, just like it."
*****Mr. Hanes*****
     I felt like I was back in high school and Devon and I did something overly stupid to land ourselves in the principal's office. Only this time my best friend wasn't with me, and this really wasn't high school.
     "Hello Raymond." He said as I sat down across from him, "How was your Christmas break?"
     "Wonderful, you?"
     "Not as good as it could have been. I was told before we let out for break that you are having an inappropriate relationship with a student, here, at this school."
     I felt all the blood drain from my face.
     "Now, I don't care who this student is, or for the details of this relationship."
     "I'm not though, Raymond."
     I hushed and just sat there.
     "Okay, I'm willing to let this slide and never come to light if you promise me that it ends here." He said, "the buck stops here."
     "Yes sir."
     "I believe that you are a good teacher, and I bet you would be a great lacrosse coach this spring. Just end it before this student's parents get involved."
     "Yes sir."
     "Oh, and hand this to Bennett Turner." He said handing me an envelope, "it's for being picked by The University of Georgia to play next year."
     I took it from him.
     "Thank you, sir."
I got up and looked at the envelope. This was my way out. He was leaving and Kate would be with me. Now, all I need to do is wait.
*****Principal Stewart*****
     I let him off with a warning. I knew who the student was already. I mean Bennett's not going to do something unless it has any benefit for himself. I decided not to get anyone else involved. The sheriff just would have made it worse.
     Besides, I think he'll make an excellent lacrosse coach to get us out of our four year losing streak. It's a win-win-win situation.

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