Day fourty-eight: After school

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     Thank God for Thursday... Is that a thing?
     I stayed quiet, and didn't move a centimeter.
     "Don't yell."
     "Did you see Kate come in here?"
     Don't look under the table in the very back...
     "Kate Bailey?!"
      "You cannot yell in here, Bennett. This is a library."
     "Did she?"
     "I do not know, but now I have to ask you to leave."
      I stayed there until I heard the door close. I slowly got up and walked to the check-out desk.
     "Thank you, Ms. Skelton."
     "No problem, Kate."
     I left and dashed up the stairs to Mr. Hanes's room.
He wasn't in there alone. Bennett was standing there talking to him. I knocked on the metal part of his door and walked in.
"Kate." He said, "there you are."
I smiled and stole a glance at Mr. Hanes.
"Come on." Bennett said grabbing my arm, "Let's go."
"Of course." I said leaving with him.
"You know, don't you?"
"I recommend pleading the fifth."
"Do I need a lawyer too?"
"Like I said. Don't do anything that you would regret."
"End it now, and no one will get hurt."
"Yes sir."
     Kendal sat in the passenger seat of my car looking up at her house. It was a lovely home, but her mother was not so lovely.
     "Are you okay?"
     "I miss Kyle. He's never around because Bennett makes him miserable."
     "He makes everyone miserable."
     "That is true."
     She sighed one more time then got out.
     "Wear blue." She said looking at me, "you're senior shirt, okay?"
     "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

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