Day nine: Lunch

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"You knew."
"I tried to warn you, but you were too mad at me."
"That jerk off is in your first block? Did you warn him that if he pisses you off again I'm going to kill him?"
"No, that didn't come up as we kissed and made-up in the middle of class."
"That was so facetious I have nothing to say to you." Kyle said, "except for Mr. hot-shot is coming over here."
I turned around, and looked at him. True enough Bennett was coming over to us. I was about to bolt out, but he got to the table before I made-up my mind.
"Hello there Katie."
The way he said it mad me want to throw-up.
"What do you want?"
"Nothing in particular."
"I'm surprised you know what that word means." Kendal said, "I thought playing football would have fucked you up by now."
His smile didn't waver and neither did his eyes from mine. I had to admit he was still hot. I just wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing so.
     "Go away." Kyle said.
     "Oh pip squeak. You're just pissed because you got cut from the wrestling team last year."
     "And you're pissed because you realized how golden Kate really is." He said, "you should die alone."
      "No, you'll die alone. I'll die by a heart attack by a girl giving me head."
     I stood-up, knocking my chair over. I shoved him back. He stepped back and had a semi-frightened look on his face. He probably was a little scared that I might punch him again.
     "State your business then leave, Bennett Cade Turner."
     "Come to the game tomorrow night. I'll let you, Kendal, and dickhead in for free."
     "I'll let you know tomorrow morning."
     He put his mouth next to my ear.
     "I will win. I always do." He said then pulled back.
      That sent a chill down my spine. He winked and walked away.
      "I'm going to go for a walk."
     "Understood." Kendal said, "if you need me you can find me."
     I smiled and headed towards the stairs. I walked upstairs to Mr. Hanes's room. I opened the door.
"Um... Can I confide in you?"
He sat up at attention.
"Of course."
I started pacing.
"Okay... my ex, Bennett Turner, is trying to get me back, and it scares me. What should I do?"
"Well... Ignore him."
"That's easy for you to say."
     "And why do you think that? I was going to marry the woman that was cheating on me with my best friend, behind my back no-less. At least someone told you. I had no one speak a word of it to me until the Saturday before we were set to get married."
     I sat down in my seat.
     "So, what are you saying?"
     "Do you still love Bennett? Do you believe that he has changed? Do you think he could love you the same?"
     "I don't know."
     "Well, when you can answer those questions then you'll be good to go."
     "Thank you, Mr. Raymond." I said with a smile.
     "I told you not to call me that."
     I went to the door, and was about to pull it open.
     "Aren't you glad I said Mr."
     And with that I walked back to the cafeteria. Kendal was sitting at the table by herself. I sat across from her.
"Kate..." Kendal said, "can we talk?"
"Sure, anything."
"This is kind of irrelevant..."
"Spit it out Kendal." I said with a laugh.
"I'm going to apply for Mercer... And not Berry College like we planned..."
I looked at her. Kendal's family is not that rich, so, she can only apply for two colleges. West Georgia and one other.
"Why? Mercer is so much more..."
"Kyle wants to go, and..."
I understood. They were in love, and I was not about to give my best friend the bull shit lecture that they'll never last. Even I believed that they were going to last.
"But Kyle can come with us."
"He is applying to both, but... I can't." She said, "I'm sorry, you know that."
"Kendal, I get it. It's expensive. I can go alone."
"I'm seeing if my brother will chip in..."
I looked at her. Her and her brother have two different fathers, but both of their father's are exactly the same. They split as soon as they knew.
"Are you sure... I mean he..."
Her brother is older, goes to West Georgia, and works to pay his own tuition. Her mother is an addict to things that are not good.
     "He has to. He's my brother." She said, "I don't know if he'll have enough..."
     "Kendal, I'll pay. If you're that serious then I'll pay."
     "No, that's not your job, Kate, let me do this. Let me see my brother and see if he has enough money."
     "Do you want to me go with you? Drive you to the campus?"
     "Yes, this Saturday."
     "Alright, I'll be there to pick you up the day after tomorrow."
     "Kate, we all die the day after tomorrow."
     That is an old inside joke. We both love the move The Day after Tomorrow, so every time one of us says it the other one says everyone dies. It's morbid but funny to us.
The rest of the day was okay. I was walking to my car, and I saw Kendal and Kyle. I had given up on telling him to stop grinding on Kendal against my car. I was too busy thinking about how Kendal is going to convince her brother to give her money, and what I was going to do with my Bennett issue.
I looked in the direction that my name was called. Then proceeded to walk faster.
"Kate! Come on! Talk to me about this."
"About what? You said I had until tomorrow morning to decide."
     "That's not what I want to discuss."
     "Then good day sir."
     I ran to my car, threw my bag in the back, got in the driver's seat, and closed the door.
     Why is this happening to me?
     I knew he wouldn't come over because Kyle would probably try to punch him, and sadly, Kyle can't fight worth shit, unlike Bennett who has started many.
I tapped on my passenger window then rolled it down.
"Stop kissing Dick. I want to go home."
"Okay, I'm coming."
She got in the car, and looked at me. I looked at her.
"Don't give me that look."
"What look?" She asked innocently.
"Kendal... We both know that look, and I don't like that look."
She had the smile like the Grinch on her face. I groaned and put my head on the steering wheel.
"Let's go."
I rolled my eyes and followed her back into the building.
Are you still here?
Yes, I'm grading papers, why?
Need help?
Kate, is there something you need to tell me?
Nope... Just bored.
Okay... I guess so.
     "I cannot believe I'm going to flirt with my teacher."
     "You need someone to get your mind off Bennett." She said as we walked in, "besides... It's not flirting. It's getting to know him."
     "Okay, let's go."

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