Chapter 7 The princess and her Prince

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You can start the music now :)

Garroth's POV
'Y-you... you do? How, nobody else recognised who I was...' Maybe she knows me for who I was before I came to Phoenix Drop... maybe I knew her and that might be why she looks so familiar...

'Garroth... I could never forget you without a memory blocking spell... and that is exactly why you don't remember me although I really want you to...'

'You mean, someone deleted my memories of you? Who were you to me, please, tell me...' Aph I need to know why I feel so conected to you...

'Not someone, Garroth... I deleted myself from your memory... I look familiar just because you never wanted to forget who I was... I'm soo sorry I just wanted you to have a happy life even if I wasn't in it...' she began to tear up and from underneath her colar she pulled out a necklace... which I knew very well...

'Garroth give this to the one you love with all of your heart, your father gave it to me when we were younger and I knew that I was special for him. Make the one that is special to you feel like nobody can replace her.'

'I will mommy, I promise!'

**A few years later**
Today is her birthday... I will keep my promise mother and give this to the one I love... I thought to myself, holding a small velvet box... I know she doesn't like jewels but nothing could stop me from giving it to her to show how special she is to me... when she finally came and we sat next to each other like we normally do I found the courage to do this...

'Aph, would you be m-my g-girlfriend?' I did it! As I said those words I pulled out the necklace and waited for her answer only to hear her scream in joy...

'Oh my Irene! Garroth, yes yes yes! A thousand times yes!

**end of flashback**

'Garroth?! Garroth! Are you alright?' Her voice has taken me out of my day dream... it was her... my only love, looking straight into my eyes with her wonderful sparkling hazel ones... I thought that I will never see this immage again...the hole that was in my heart for the past three years was finally cealed... without thinking about it, I leaned forward and kissed her... she didn't protest... all I could feel is our lips together and tears falling from our eyes...both of us missed this so much... However this moment couldn't last for long...

'WoW! Guys you've only know each other for like a day and you're already making out!' It was obviously Laurence who probably came to check how Aph was doing... he didn't know that we had a past with each other... but as soon as we heard his voice we pulled apart and blushed like two fresh tomatoes...

'Hitting on a Princess Garroth, not a good example for a guard is it' Aph looked at me as if she was asking if we can tell him everything and I nodded to her... this is going to be fun...

'We don't exactly know each other for a day, Laurence... we met nearly eight years ago and parted our ways three years ago because of... war between mine and his cities...' Good job she didn't tell him I was a prince or that we were a thing back then but still... how did that necklace gave my my memory of her back?

'Still, Garroth is a guard and you are a princess, Aphmau!' Well there goes my secret but I will tell him who I really am...

'I'm not exactly supposed to be a guard Laurence... I'm actually the Prince of O'Khasis...' there I said it!

'Ooohh I get it, but how didn't you remember your one true love if you love each other so much?!'

'Come on Laurence! Don't you have anything better to do than question us! Especially that our past isn't really your business!' Well that is my old Aph... I missed that girl so much...

Oohhhh! So sweet a Garmau moment BROKEN BY LAURENCE! why am I screaming?! I should hide from all the Laurmau fans as well as Garmau as I broke their momet by putting Laurence in it! Please don't kill me! I don't even know why I broke that moment( probably for a laugh) and I am more Garmau but I like Laurmau too( or maybe that's why I putted that there!) Anyway, I'm going to hide in my corner of doom so the people that want the next chapter can actually get it soo cya next time! Bye!

P.s how on earth did 171 of you see this! I know it's a small amount comparing to other fanfic about Aph but still like twenty more of you came like in about 12h! Thanks soo much for reading my fanfic andhope everyone of you, my readers enjoy this.


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