Chapter 20 Soon to be Married

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Guys! The author note at the end is VERY important!

Aphmau's POV
As much as I didn't want to go back to Phoenix Drop, I had to... thankfully when I crossed the gates I was still alive and not squashed to death by my two younger siblings. Heh, they were mad at me, if you can say that a toddler was mad... but they were also happy that I'm back. Before today I didn't quite understand how much I mean to my friends and family as a person, not just the oldest princes of Skyflare, everyone I cared for shared that feeling with me. After I apologised to almost everyone for leaving I had to go to Lady Isabelle...
'Aphmau! Oh my Irene! Don't you scare us like that ever again.'
'I'm sorry, guess I did overreacted a bit... I...I just don't want people hurt because of me...'
'Don't worry about that, I completely understand. Most importantly, you are here now and we have good news from this morning' she smiled at me. Good news? What could it be?
'Huh? I'm listening' I smiled back excited to hear what she has to say.
'Aphmau, Skyflare is almost repaired and in two days they will come amd get you and Garroth to get ready for your wedding. Also, they asked me if any of your friends here would be able to make your dress so if you want to you could ask Cadenza, she surley would be more than happy to help you with that.'
'That would be amazing! Cadenza is a great semesters and I will definitely be honoured if she'd agree'
'Guess I will have to leave Phoenix Drop for quite a while...' Garroth had many emotions in his eyes... he was ecstatic and happy but also sad and... hurt. I know that it'll be hard for him to leave his position as a guard and be a prince once again, I know how he felt...
'Don't worry about that Garroth, if they allow you, you can always come back if you want.' He now had hope in his eyes.
'I should go to Cadenza now, see you around!' I said and ran out to find her. First stop her house...

*at Cadenza's*
'Anybody home?!' I asked/screamed while walking through the door...
'Downstairs!' Came the voice of my friend, I went there and saw Cadenza work on a beautiful terquoise dress...
'Hey, if you have some time, would yo mind doing my wedding dress? I know that there are lots of royal tailors in Skyflare but I much rather preferred if my friend made it for me' I smiled as she was turning around...
'M-me? Making the bride's dress for a royal wedding? OH MY IRENE OF COURSE I WILL!' Her reaction was unbelievable... hehe
'Thanks so much Cadenza! I'll make sure that you will be on my wedding, maybe even as one of my bridesmaids...' I giggled as I was walking out, when I was upstairs She started to fangirl soo much... heh that girl.
Later, when I had time me and Garroth spent some time together... after all in a few days we will be husband and wife... just like we always wanted it to be...

Ok! So first of all, I am soo super sorry for the late update. I had a hectic day and I've been home only for about two hours and it takes more than that to write a chapter. Second, the next chapter will either be the last one or second to last so I will ask now, what do you want me to write? I have a few ideas and I will give you three of them
1. Sequel to this book- Forever Together
2. A completely different book that only uses MCD characters and focuses on my OC- Daughter of the Jury
3. A Laurmau fanfic- Lost Love

So choose which ever you want! I will write a bit about them tomorrow as a note so it will give you more info about each story line. So now Sisi is done with her looong note I shall end this chapter! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this awesome chappy and cya in da next one! Bye!

^^Sisi and Fifi^^

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