Chapter 22 I Do.

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Aahhhh! Before I begin... This is the book finale! And I am soo excited to write the wedding! I actually decided to upload a day early because I just wrote this today from excitement and couldn't wait to shere this with you! I am fangirling and squealing soo much that I think my brother and mum think I'm crazy. Well I am crazy! ENJOY! Aannd wait a bit with da music!

Aphmau's POV
This day was going to be perfect!(MLP reference... I had to tho I'm not a brony! I remember the song because of my little cousin!) Cadenza finished my dress about an hour after she began doing it which kinda scares me... I chose the design while we were on our way to Skyflare, Aphasia and Cadenza gave me great advice and I chose the long, white, velvet and silk one with purple accents on the torso falling down onto the skirt part of the dress.(see the picture at the top)The dress was amazing and all of Skyflarian seamstresses were amazed by my friends skills! It was three days since the dress was ready and today the wedding bells will ring for me and my prince... I couldn't wait any longer... It happened to be that Cadenza, Aphasia and Donna ( who came along with a few other people from Phoenix Drop) were my bridesmaids and we were all getting ready together. My hair was in a half up half down style with white and lilac purple flowers woven in my hair...
'You look beautiful sweetie!' My mom squealed with delight... even though I wanted this more than anything else I was Still nervous. Thoughts like 'what if he says no?' Or 'what if someone ruins it all and I will never marry Garroth?' Filled my head, but I have to be strong!
'Aphmau' my dad came in and motioned to us that it's time...
'I can't believe this is really happening, please say this isn't a dream!'
'It isn't Aph! I can't belive that I am one of your bridesmaids and pinched myself at least 10 thousand times today already!' I laughed at Cadenza's response and then we were off...

*The Wedding* ( Aaaaaah! Finally Garmau4eva!)
Garroth's POV
The wedding was about to begin... I was waiting at the alter for my princess to arrive... Funny, the priest at our wedding was my younger brother Zane, the high priest of O'Khasis. I never thought that that little anoying brother would make my dreams come true... I looked over at him and the music began... (that's when the music at the top comes) The beauty in wight and purple was aproching me, walking slowly down the aisle with her father holding her... Aphmau looked stunning!
'Take care of her' lord Adam whispered to me when he held Aph's hand to me... I don't remember much of Zane's blabbing but I did concentrate to answer on time...I heard Aphmau say the two words 'I do' and my heart raced as she shot one of her warm smiles in my direction...
'Garroth Ro'Meave, do you take this Beautiful princess to be your wife? Through cold and warm, rich and poor, sun and rain, now and forever. Do you swear to protect her and your future family?'(I can't write this kind of things but I tried ) 'I Do' I smiled back at my bride, her eyes were shining bright...
'Does anyone protests? If yes speak now or be quiet forever.' Thankfully the room was silent!
'In this case, I announce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride...' I did just that... finally she was mine and I was her's... Everyone cheered, my and Aph's parents along with a few others were crying, I never felt happier in my life.

*The reception/party(whatever you call it...)*
Aphmau's POV
Like always on weddings, the newly wed have to open the dance... thankfully both of us learned to do this as young kids!
It wasn't that slow of a dance but it wasn't fast either... it was medium. I don't know what the song was called( I actually do! One on the top, without you) it was beautiful. The night went on and all we did was chat, dance and do all of the traditional things that we had to do... But nothing mattered to me as long I belonged to Garroth...
Later, we were put on a boat and sailed of into the sunset for our honeymoon... This was all so surreal! I just wished that all of this wasn't a dream...
'Garroth, I still can't believe that all of this that happened to us brought us here, together' he wrapped his arms around my waist, I turned around to face him and as soon as I did so he kissed me once more reassuring that this is all reality... I was so glad that it was.
'It's as real as you and me Aph... I will never let you leave'
'Heh, I won't let you go either... Together Forever'
with those words our past apart ended... we were now one and a new adventure was awaiting. As people say, 'once one chapter of life ends, a new one will begin' and for me each chapter seems to get better each time...

The End

Ahh! This book was such a pleasure to write! And know that I already have the first chapter of the sequel nice and ready to go out on Saturday ( If I'll have internet...) so be sure to check that out! Hope you enjoyed this book and cya all in my next creations! Bye! So now join us in our crying and dieing of cutnes and garmau overload fanclub to cry our eyes out!

^^Sisi and Fifi^^

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