"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!" I listened intently, thinking my father would dismiss this. "You are right, Carson, as always," my father says. "Father, please! I can't be betrothed! I would have three years in which I could fall in love with someone else! I'm only fifteen!" I object. My father nods. "But it is of utmost importance that you do this. It will stop the attacks on our ally, O'Khasis," he retorts.
I head to my room in dismay. I CAN'T marry someone I don't know! I have never been to Bright Port, and I don't even know the Bright Port lord's son's name! Well, that was a confusing sentence... I shut the door to my room and think. I will NOT marry him! Never in a MILLION YEARS! I don't know him! What if he's mean? I'll probably fall in love with someone else before we get married when I'm 18, since I'm only 15!! I sit on my bed, pondering what to do. I could... Run away...? I know of a story of a princess running away to escape a forced marriage. I'll have to run away.
I had packed my bag in my room. I had attended dinner and was now walking back to my room. I have to do it NOW! I grab my bag and dress in the clothes I had prepared; a black dress, with a black cloak. I would be invisible in the night in these. I swing a leg out my window and climb down. The patrol in this area wouldn't start for precisely 2 minutes. I take this time to dash across the lawn and into the veil of darkness that is the forest. I rush farther and farther, knowing that a patrol would be here soon, too.
After running for a while, I slow to a walk. Okay, I'm not EXACTLY a... Scaredy-cat, whatever you call it, but I'm scared of the darkness. Yes, I'm fifteen, yes I'm a princess... But I'm scared of the dark. I pull my hood over my eyes and start running again. Oh, gosh, I forgot shoes! I'm running in my high heels! Ugh, I KNEW I would forget SOMETHING! I kick my shoes off, since I don't think I'll need them, and run bare foot across prickly sticks and rocks.
I begin to see light coming through the trees ahead. I slow down and silently jog toward it. I stop when I hear voices. "Dante, you should head back behind the wheat field. Farmers say they heard noises." I crouch behind a tree and listen. "Yes, I did overhear Brendan," says another voice. I creep from behind the tree and dash to the next one, a bit closer. "I'll look this way. Be on high alert," says the first voice. It has a British accent, like me. Perhaps they are from O'Khasis, or Scaleswind, my kingdom.
I listen, and begin to hear steady footsteps coming. I have my bow, but I don't want to hurt anyone, so I crouch even lower. My arm pricks into a bush, and it hurts. I look down to see thorns in the bush. I cry out in pain as I topple into it. The footsteps stop. Then they resume, headed in my direction. I try to quiet my whimpers, and pull myself free, but I'm a sissy, and I cry out again as it digs into me. The steps turn into a run, and soon I see a man in full armor crouching by me. "Are you okay?" he asks, the man with the British accent.
I shake my head no, and look at the thorns. He sees them, and examines it. "I'll be right back, I promise," he says, running off. I listen to his receding footsteps and wait. The thorns seem to dig in more as I shift. He returns with a man with blue hair. "This is Dante, I'm Garroth," the man in armor says. "Dante can help you. He's skilled with thorns and knife wounds." The 'Dante' slightly smiles at me bends in closer. I try not to whimper, but I probably sound like an injured dog, anyways.
'Garroth' hands him a knife, and Dante slowly begins to cut at the branches holding me. The jiggling of the thorns makes it hurt. "O-oww..." I say. Garroth's arm is close to mine, so I grab it. He almost falls backwards, but then understands I need something to grip. He grips back. Dante has cut branches, and now they are just attached to my arm. "Perhaps Lucinda can do this without hurting her anymore?" Garroth suggests as my grip tightens. Dante nods.
They take me up a slight hill, where a tower sits. "Lucinda is a witch, and she can do this easily," Dante explains. I nod. We walk up to the door, and Garroth knocks. A girl with orange hair andswers. "Lucinda, can you help us out?" He motions to the thorns in my arm. "Oh, yes! Oh my goodness, come in!" She ushers us upstairs to a room full of potions. "Now, drink this. It reduces the pain. Actually, it takes it away." I drink a pinkish bottle. I instantly feel better. Lucinda then tells me to look away, and that, "you won't feel a thing, dear."
I look away and after a moment, Lucinda is done. "You can look now," she says. I look at my arm. It has scrapes and quite a bit of blood, but I don't feel a thing. "Now, the potion will wear off in about ten seconds, so be ready." I grit my teeth and wait. About 13 seconds later, a feel a rush of pain in my arm. I shriek. Worse than I thought. Lucinda does something with her hand, and the pain goes down to just a sting. She wraps my arm in a bandage, and explains that these kinds of thorns were known to be deadly. "Very hard to get out, not poisonous. They dig into your skin, causing massive blood loss. But this was treated quickly so you will be perfectly fine." Garroth and Dante thank her.
They walk with me back to a village. "This is Phoenix Drop. And we didn't catch your name," Garroth says. I think for a second. I can't tell them my real name, Sarah, so I lie. "Anna." It rhymed with Sarah and it was the first thing that cam to mind. And my mother's name is Anna. "Well, Anna, you are welcome in the guard tower for now." I nod my thanks. I had barely said a word. I decide to chance them figuring out who I was by my looks, and I pulled back my hood. I quickly fluffed my auburn hair, my green eyes widened, looking at the village. It was AMAZING! "You can just follow us to the guard tower, and Garroth can give you a tour tomorrow," Dante says. "I'm on guard duty."
The next day, I wake up in a cozy bed. I sit up. I'm in a tower. Oh, yes! I must have fallen asleep on the way to the tower. I hope I wasn't too heavy to carry up that ladder... I brush my hair and take out my bow. I lay it on my bed after making sure it wasn't damaged, and climb down the ladder. I find Garroth sitting at a desk reading. He turns around as the last bar on the ladder creaks. "Oh, Anna! Are you ready?" he asks, putting down the book. "Yes," I reply.
First, I see a wheat field. Then a guard station, and then a farmhouse. "Now this is Dale and Molly's house. They combined a small house with their current one recently. They have two kids," Garroth explained. He explained things in detail, which I liked. "Now, we've seen everything," he said when we got back to the guard tower. "Tell me about yourself." I freeze. I didn't think of fake things... "I'm 15, Anna... Ryeson, and I come from O'Khasis," I lie. "I got lost, but I really don't have a destination in mind. I was trying to find a new village to live in. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?" I change the subject. "Well I'm young for a guard, 16. I'm, of course, Garroth. I came from O'Khasis as well, and my father is the lord there. I kind of ran away two years ago," he explains. "That's... All I can think of." I nod. He actually didn't lie. I can tell by people's eyes if they're lying. I hate to lie.
"Um... Hey. I... I'm not REALLY from O'Khasis... I'm from Scaleswind. Um... I'm the princess. I ran away becuase I was being forced into marriage," I say truthfully. He nods. "I understand. I didn't tell people who I really was at first. So you're not Anna. Your name is Sarah, correct?" I nod.
Okay, sorry that was so long, I just got into it. Um, I hope you enjoy it as much as I like writing it, and I'll post soon! Bye!!

The Diaries of a Runaway Princess (Minecraft Diaries)
Fanfiction"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!" I left because of that. I was going to be betrothed to Bright Port's lord's...