"Dear one, you see, we have a need. A need for leadership. A need for darkness. A need for kinship. Shadow Princess you may be, because you were chosen for clarity. Your family was bad. You are worse. You hid your fears until you burst." I stared into space, listening. Suddenly, a young girl appeared in a reflection on the mirror of a nearby shop.
"Rule for us, rule for all, please don't give up, just for your—" Shadow Souls began surging through the mirror. The little girl laughs, disappearing. I jump up and pull out my bow, shoving my sword into the sheath. Garroth walks a few paces to my left, obviously not wanting to stand by me after I almost killed him. I fire a few arrows into the crowd.
The Shadow Soul that had talked to me steps forward. I aim my bow at it. "Dear Shadow Princess, once you are proclaimed a princess of shadows, you are always a princess of shadows. That ignorant Dark Whisperer knows that. She was messing with you. We will have you!" It leaps forward to grab me and I block it with my sword, having quickly drawn it out.
I sidestep a second leap, and another. "YOU ARE OURS!!" chanted others in the crowd. The Shadow Souls enclose us in a dark mass. I tumble over stones and rocks into the hoard. "SARAH!" I hear. I hear a clash of metal, and then the muffled grunt of someone in pain. I try to inch out, but the Souls have covered me. "Once a princess, always a princess," a voice in her head said. "But you can control it!"
I try to calm myself, trying to figure out how to become... Normal instead of in Shadow Princess mode, if that's what you call it. I begin to think about friends dying. That changes me more Shadow Princess. I charge from the Souls, even though I was trying to become normal, in my Shadow form, and shoot a blast of fire on you the lead Soul.
I glance over at Garroth to see him laying unconscious on the ground. I point my sword at the burning Soul as I walk backwards to Garroth. "This isn't over..." the Soul rasped, disappearing. I bend over Garroth and turn him over to see his face. He was breathing. Good. I feel my body go back to normal. The Souls around me disappear. Great.
"Raziyah! You are ours! You are OURS! YOU ARE OURS! RAZIYAH! You cannot escape us now. We will have you!!" I wake up with a start. Just a dream. My eyes slowly drift over to Garroth, sleeping in the other bed. I had brought him back to the capital, and suprisingly, he was heavy for a stick in armor. I had considered taking off his helmet, but I decided since he always left it on, that I would leave it be.
Suddenly, the guys surrounded me, seeming to jump out of no where. "What did you do to Garroth?!" Laurence yells. "I did nothing," I say. "Then why is he UNCONSCIOUS?!" Dante screamed. "I saw it," says a voice from behind them. A man in a red jacket steps out from the doorway. "Shadow Souls came out of an enchanted mirror. I suggest it be destroyed. But the Souls attacked Garroth, and grabbed... Her," he explained.
"I'm Sarah," I say. Laurence lowers his sword from my throat. "Sorry," he whispers. I hug him. Then Dante. I shake the... Jacket-guy's hand. Garroth makes a noise. I look over and see him sitting up. "Hey," I say. "H-hi........" He sits in silence for a moment.
"You aren't... Bad, are you?" he asks. I sigh. "I still have the form, if that is what you're asking. But I might be able to control it." He nods. "So, you're a Shadow Princess?" the stranger said. "Yeah... I guess," I say. "Well. Interesting. By the way, my name's Aaron. I'm going to find a place to set up. See you later." He walks out of the room. "But, seriously, you aren't bad?" Garroth asked again. "Of course not. I don't want to be, either."
The next day, everything is back to normal. The villagers were brought back into Runnswurth, and I was safe. I walked down the path to the garden, enjoying a walk with Sophie. She didn't seem to notice anything was wrong with me.
I'm glad the Souls are gone. I was quite scared for a while. I thought I would never get away from being a Shadow Princess.
Dear Diary,
I am glad I have something to tell my emotions to. I am glad the Souls have left and the village is safe. I hope it stays that way.I hope that my life continues on regularly. I don't want to be the Shadow Princess. 104 people have read!! Yay! I hope you enjoy this! I will try to post more, but it's hard. I started another book called 'Just Another Girl,' and I think you might like it! Bye!

The Diaries of a Runaway Princess (Minecraft Diaries)
Fanfiction"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!" I left because of that. I was going to be betrothed to Bright Port's lord's...