I grabbed my bag. Today, Dante, Laurence, and Garroth were coming with me to find a place for the capital. It was all so fast. Whoa... Anyways, I walked out of the guard tower and found Dante waiting with horses. "Hey. You ready?" he asks. "Yeah. Where are the other two?" I say. "Getting food."
We set off when Garroth and Laurence come back. Garroth suggests heading west. We set out, riding into the forest.
Night falls. "Let's camp here," I say. Laurence found a spot, but it has lots of poison ivy. "Laurence. Laurence! We can just set up somewhere else!" I say. He's mumbling to himself. "Away with you, pesky weeds! This spot is perfect for a romantic picnic under the stars!" I turn around and cock my head. Whatever.... That was............ I went over to Dante, who was setting up a tent. "Laurence wouldn't even listen to me when I said there was a tent already up over here!" Dante complains. I smile.
"Yeah, he said something about the spot being 'perfect for a romantic picnic!'" I say. Dante laughs. "Ha! That..." He just smiles. "What? What?!" I ask. "Well, if you must know, Laurence likes ya! Oh, and not to mention........... Bah. Garroth thinks you're 'beautiful!' He likes you to." "Crudiezzzzzz!" I say. "What...?" Dante asks. "Crudiez. Ugh, forget it. Crud. That better?" I reply. He continues with the tent. "Oh, hey Garroth? Where are the horses?" I ask Garroth.
"Oh, I put them over there. Laurence's doesn't like me." I laughed. "I think the horse only likes Laurence. It tried to kick me a while ago." I say. "Really?" I smile. "Nope!"
The next day, we take down the tent. Laurence had never cleared all the poison ivy, which might be good, meaning there was no 'romantic picnic,' or 'dynamic flit wick,' whatever he said. We continue west until we find a large plain, clear of trees, and no animals in sight. A small river runs right in front of us.
We urge our horses into the water, only to find that it's not as shallow as it seemed. The horses sense this and try to get back out. As my horses charges back, a current catches my leg. It was quite strong and it actually pulled me off. My horse went up the bank and just stood, watching us.
I struggled against the current as I was swept farther down. "Garovvvvvvvw!!!!!" I yell. "Errrroth!!" He sees and jumps up on the bank. "LAURENCE, DANTE! SARAH'S IN THE WATER!" Dante leaves his horse on the land and runs, Laurence struggling on top of his horse in the water.
For a moment, I'm pulled under water. I can hear muffled shouts as the water closes over my ears. When I come back up, Laurence is finally following. I see a log ahead, and I struggle to get to the side. As I'm swept by it, I grab on. My arms pull my body up, slowly. I crawl off the log and onto the land. Garroth runs up, followed by Dante. I see Laurence behind them.
After that is cleared up, we head a bit farther into the plains, just to get away from that river. They stopped at an especially clear area. "This is PERFECT!" I say. I run around the area, imagining. Here would be a hall; here a kitchen; here a... "Sarah?" I stop. "Yeah?" I say. Dante shows me a map. "We're here." He points to a plain area.
We set up a camp for tonight. I draw a small plan before falling asleep.
I'm going to stop here because it is almost bed time, 10:30, and I have THE MOST READERS I HAVE EVER HAD! I have never had 14 readers actually read what I write. FOURTEEN PEOPLE HAVE READ THIS BOOK! Oh my gosh! Sorry, it's so little, but so much to me. :) Bah. Gushy. Anyways, let me know what you think. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!!
(trust me, I WILL update tomorrow. I am addicted.)

The Diaries of a Runaway Princess (Minecraft Diaries)
Fanfiction"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!" I left because of that. I was going to be betrothed to Bright Port's lord's...