I hear screaming from outside. What the HECK?! I jump out of my room and race downstairs, armed with my bow and sword. I dash around a corridor and peek through a window. Weird.... Black— things are attacking the gates. Garroth runs up to me with his sword unsheathed. "This is bad. Those are Shadow Souls, and they're VERY powerful!" he says quickly. "Can we stop them from entering the gates?" I ask. "Not unless we push them back to the tree line, which would require about twenty extra guards!" Garroth answers. "We'll help!" said a voice from behind them. They turned around and saw a group of men standing behind them. "Can you fight?" Garroth asks. "Sure can." They pull out weapons. "Great."
We charge outside and over the bridge to the gates. The souls look into my eyes, and I struggle to keep control of my body. "Sarah?" Garroth says. "Not Sarah!" rasps a Shafow Soul. "RAZIYAH!" (Raz-eye-uh) The Souls charged the gates, and attacked everyone— except me. I began to freak out, feeling odd. The Soul who had talked looked at me, and I felt— strong. "W-what are you doing to me?!" I yell. "Nothing. You are only reacting to the Nether in our veins. You are from the Nether originally," he said, sounding like a teacher. "Who made you teacher?!" He cackles. "I know all happenings in the Nether— and the Overworld. I have been watching you, dear Shadow Princess." I must have turned white as a sheet, because Garroth looked at me and then at the Soul. He lounged forward for it—
My body went in between the blade and the Soul. I didn't hear the cackling of the Shadow Soul as I stared at Garroth. "The reaction of a Nether Princess." he rasps to Garroth. "I can tell what you are thinking. Yes, the one you have a... deep regard for, is a Shadow Princess." Garroth brought his sword up and charged the Soul.... And my body stopped the blade.
I suddenly realized that this time... the blade had hit me. But I looked down at my waist and saw no blood. Only the metal sitting against my skin but not in it. "You have become the Princess," the Soul whispered. I looked at my clothes, which had turned into a black dress and black leggings, with black boots and black eyes, which I saw in the reflection of a shiny sign hanging from the store's door. I bang it down with a scream and turn to the Soul.
"What do I do now?" I ask, my voice turning from sing-song to dark and evil. "You must come to the Nether with us," the Soul said, smirking at Garroth. "Your love is ours!!" he bellowed. Garroth swung his sword at it again, only to have my hand jut out and hold it. I smile and slide the sword easily from his grasp. "Raziyah...... I like it." I throw Garroth's sword over his shoulder. "I'll see you, Garroth." The way I spit his name like it was dirt made me feel powerful. I smirked and turned back to the Soul. "I'm ready when you are," I say. The Shadow Soul shoves Garroth aside and we walk back to the gate, taking in the destruction. "Isn't power great, Raziyah?" the Shadow Soul asked. "Yes, it is," I cackle.
We walk out the broken gates to a portal. "The Nether awaits you, Shadow Princess," he said. I smiled as we walked in— We emerged into the Nether in a strange but brilliant castle. "You will meet the Shadow Lord tomorrow, dearest Raziyah."
He takes me to my chambers and let's me settle in. I look at my deadly reflection in the mirror. "Isn't power great, Raziyah?" said a voice. I realized that my reflection was talking to me. "Y-yes. Yes it is..." I answer. "You are the almighty Shadow Princess, capable of all Nether properties," the mirror-me said. "What do you mean?" My reflection smiled. "The properties are 5 things that are main powers of the Nether inhabitant, such as Shadow Souls. You can control SIX; the Fire, Water, Earthquakes, Darkness, Shadows, AND Spirits. You are, indeed, alMIGHTY!" the mirror explained.
The next day, I woke up and went to find the Soul. "Raziyah, are you ready?" he asked. I nod. We walk down a corridor, and into another chamber. He shuts the door behind me, and I look around. There is no one in the chamber except for me— a shadow catches my attention. "Are you the Shadow Princess?" a voice says. "I am. And are you the Shadow Lord?" The shadow nods. "Enjoying your power?" I smile. "Definitely, sir. I saw my village alm—"
There is a sound at the door. I turn around the see Garroth, Laurence, and Dante sneaking in. "Sarah, you need to come with us!" Laurence says. "We are not the only ones in the room," I say darkly. The glance at the shadow and then take a better look. "Are these your friends, Raziyah?" the Shadow Lord asks. I glare at them for a moment before answering. "Not at all." Laurence and Dante look hurt, but I can't tell about Garroth. "Then I will handle them."
The Shadow strides towards the boys as I watch. He holds out a black hand and says,"Be gone from the Nether." He shoots a blaze of light at them, and they dodge. I suddenly feel the way I did when Garroth was trying to attack the Shadow Soul— I step in front of them for the second blast. "RAZIYAH!" he bellows. He shoots another one and I counter with a fire spell. "How DARE YOU mess with the SHADOW LORD!!" he screams, shooting a blast of darkness at me. The shadows hit me, but bounce easily off. "Leave them alone," I snarl.
"They were messing with my plan as YOU are NOW!" he answers, blasting more fire. He strikes at the boys, and my body glides to his hand. I grab it and hold it over my heart. I feel my mind go blank, and my eyes almost stop seeing. I loose control and say,"Cantous embulle ember DONJEYAY!!!!!" I shriek. A light of fire blasts through my hand into his, and as he disappears, he is sucked into me. I feel a hand on my should and I grab them and turn around I stare for a moment before falling to the ground— unconscious.
I have not updated for a long time, so I thought I would. 1088 words, so I hope you liked it!! By the way, if you read this, can you let me know what you think? I would like a bit of feedback to know how I'm doing for future references. Lol, I sound like the mirror... And the Shadow Soul... Eh.

The Diaries of a Runaway Princess (Minecraft Diaries)
Fanfiction"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!" I left because of that. I was going to be betrothed to Bright Port's lord's...