I smack the hammer onto my hand. "AAAAAARGH!" I do that ALL THE TIME! I'm terrible with hammers. "You alright?" Garroth calls. "Of course! Just the stupid hammer..." I say through gritted teeth.
We had completed 3/4 of the capital. A capital building, some paths, and a few homes and businesses for the people who come here. "I finished the plaza... Place!" Laurence yelled. "I just did this house!" Dante called. "Then it's time to work on a major part... The walls," Garroth announces. Laurence and Dante run over to the spot on their plans.
"Laurence, get some wood, I'll make the frame, Dante, build up the walls, and Garroth, make the gates for the entrances." Everyone gets to their job. It takes the rest of the day for me to finish my frame. I don't even take a break. "It's sunset! We should get to sleep!" Garroth calls. I slowly climb down from the top of the wall and head over to the capital.
We had set up camp in a room downstairs. I went over to my desk to look at my notebook. "Frame, check. Gates, almost check. And entrances, 2 of 4." I lay down in the bed and try to sleep. I can't. I walk to the door of the capital and head outside. We had put up a few torches around the place to light it up at night. I see that the walls are tall enough to block out arrows. "We will finish another side of the wall tomorrow," says a voice behind me. "Garroth, I hope I didn't wake you?" I say. "No, but a good guard always sleeps with one eye open." I smile. "Yeah. I just can't sleep. I'm too excited about what might happen in the capital!"
The next day, (I finally got to sleep) we worked hard on another side of the wall while Garroth fitted a gate in the one finished yesterday. "I finished with the gate. May I start on the next one?" he asked. "Of course! Just fit it in right there." He got the next gate a dragged it over, getting to work. Dante hopped off to see if it was completely vertical and horizontally aligned with what we were wanting. "Hey, Dante! Can you check right o—ooaAAAAH!" I leaned over too far as I pointed to a spot.
I waited for impact. I never felt the hardness off the ground. Instead, I felt arms. I open my eyes to see Garroth's helmet staring back at me. "This would be sooo romantic if you would take that think off," I joke as he sets me down. "U-uh... Are you okay?" he asks. "Yeah. And I was joking with that romantic stuff. It's just that I couldn't help it. Looked to me like something off of a cheesy movie."
We finish a new side of the wall that day. Within another two days, we have finished what needs to be down. We can still add stuff in. But now it is ready for it's job; protecting the people and the alliance.
"Now we need to tell people about this. We need guards, cooks, workers, all of that! Geez, maybe all of Phoenix Drop will move in! There'll still be enough homes for another whole village, though. We're going to fill this place up!" I say. "Count me in as a guard," says Garroth. "Oh, me too!" Laurence exclaims. "C-can I...?" Dante begins. I nod. "Okay, we have 3 guards. We still need about 10!"
We travel to different villages, spreading the news about the capital. We tell people where it is, and get a few workers, cooks, and guards, even merchants! We make it to Phoenix Drop, and surprisingly, everyone wants to move there. Since it was our last stop, we make the trip back with them.
"Alright! Feel free to find homes! If you would like a business, you can ask at the capital! I will be living there, so you should be able to catch me at any time. These three guards are living there, too! Feel free to tell them things as well," I say to the 116 people in the capital city.
"3 cooks, 14 guards, and 23 workers for the mines. We're doing great," I tell Garroth. "So, those towers are the guard tower, and that is the guard station." Garroth nods. "I'm, you'll be the head guard, Laurence is second in command, and Dante will be patrol planner. Is that alright?" I say. "Yes. That sounds great," he replies. "Nice. Where are those two, anyways?" He shrugs. "I don't know. I'll tell them if I see them," Garroth answers. "Good."
Stopping right there. I will probably update again today. I'm addicted. :) Let me know what you think. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

The Diaries of a Runaway Princess (Minecraft Diaries)
Fiksi Penggemar"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!" I left because of that. I was going to be betrothed to Bright Port's lord's...