"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!"
I left because of that. I was going to be betrothed to Bright Port's lord's...
I walk down the dark, Nether rock hall. I smile as I realize that I'm alone. I'm done with this. DONE!! I spot the Nether portal ahead of me. The red glow... I'm ready to face my past life. I can't believe I actually left a year ago.......
I stand in front of the ocean of red. My heart tingles. My old life... I step in. My body is immersed in red as the portal takes me back.
I step out. My feet remember the direction of the village. I walk down the path I ran a year ago after seeing that mirror. After thinking I couldn't get away. But I think I can now. I smile and run towards the clearing—There are ruins. My smile falls away as I look at the ruins. I stop and stare. My feet start heading towards where the capital had been. Just ruins now. I look around some more and spot a gravestone. The name says 'Garroth Ro'Meave.' I gasp. 'Died Waiting for an Old Friend.' I fall to my knees. I caused Garroth to die..... NO! I scream and get up, running once more. I stop. No, I WON'T go back to that place. No.
I calm down and stare at the ruins. My eyes purposely avoid the gravestone. Tomorrow I would search for my village. I would search for my friends, or—those that were left. I curl up and cry.
I wake up in a bright white room. I look up and see Garroth standing there. I bolt up. The rest of my old friends come up. My face lights up. The image seems to blur. I squint. Then I realize—it's a dream.
I TRULY wake up and try not to cry. I shear my hair, which I have died red, to my shoulders. I rip my stupid long red dress shorter, and dye it black. I find a random pair of leggings on the ground:red. My black boots complete my red and black look.
I head walk away from my spot. A glint on the ground catches my eye. I look over to see one of Dante's red katanas. I cry. Picking it up, I head out. I was DETERMINED to find my friends and explain everything.
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