Alliance and a New Lord

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About a week after that, Garroth, Laurence, Dante, and everyone else were healed (thanks to Lucinda, Kawaii-Chan, and myself). Today, Garroth was on patrol, Laurence was... Somewhere, and Dante was at the guard tower. "Dante, do you think I need a home here?" I asked. He looked up from his book and shrugged. "Well, we like having you here, and it's not a problem for us, but you can if you want. There are two homes for sale, and you could always build one," he replies. "True. I'm going to look at the houses. If I don't like them, I'll just build one." He nodded.

I went down the ladder and headed to where Dante had told me the first house was at. It was a small house, with two rooms. It had oak wood. After I looked at it, I followed Dante's instructions to the other one. This one was a house that 'Dale and Molly' had put up for sale. It was... Great!

I went back to the guard tower to find Laurence trying to get a dog off his pants in front of the guard tower. "Stupid dog..." I heard him mutter. I whistled and called for it. The dog lifted its head and released Laurence's pant leg, bounding over. "You look like a dog in... Scaleswind. And that dog was PREGNANT!" I suddenly realized that the dog I knew in Scaleswind had been pregnant and looked like this one!

I brought the dog inside as Laurence crawled up the ladder above me, avoiding the dog. I set the dog on my bed and looked at its cute eyes. "This little guy is a border collie, and she's only about 1 month old! Aw, do you know where we can get a bit of milk?"

I got the milk from Zoey and fed the puppy. It closed its eyes afterward and slept in my lap. "Maybe we can call her... Oh I don't know," I say. Dante stares at it for a while. "What about 'stupid dog'?" Laurence joked. Dante fake punched him. "I say Sophie!" (My grandma's dog's name) "Say baby dog is Sophie? Wittle pookie wookie!!" I say, forgetting that Laurence and Dante are there.

Garroth comes back from patrol. "It's night," he says, looking tired. "We should go to bed," I finish, as he falls into bed, pulling the covers over his head. " tired..." he mumbles.

"PEOPLE AT THE GATES!" called the on duty guard. Garroth moaned, but got up quickly, followed by the two other guys. I followed reluctantly. "Hey, Sarah?" Dante says. "Take this sword." He hands me a bright yellow sword, gleaming in the moonlight. "It's called a 'quartz' sword," he says, as they follow the other two.

"I have come with a proposal," says the leader at the gates. "I ask that you form an alliance and find a place for the capital. We will be strong allies, but we need the capital to insure that we win over Bright Port and Scaleswind." I don't cringe at the name of my village like I usually do. Garroth nudges me. I look at him. "We secretly held a meeting to pick a lord. Most of the votes went to you."

At first I wait, but then I understand. I'm the lord, so I need to handle this. "I think... We need a vote," I say, unsure of how to answer. "And more facts," I add. "Bright Port attacked Naharka Village, and Diagamms. We need the alliance now," presses the leader. I look at everyone else. The people who are there nod. "Then it is said. We will find a place for the capital and forge a NEW ALLIANCE!" Everyone cheers, and the guards shake hands with the people through the gate. A new alliance. "The Forged Alliance!" I say suddenly. Garroth looks at me. "That's what we can call it!" Everyone smiles. The Forged Alliance would soon be officially an alliance!

I'm going to stop there, because if I go any farther, I will make this really long. Only 650 words, sorry. I'll try to do more next chapter. Tell me what you think!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. More action next time, I promise.

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