I walked away from the guard tower one morning and headed down to the wheat fields, looking out at it. I took out a piece of bread and took a bite. I finished it and stood up.
I went back to the guard tower, but stopped when I thought I heard footsteps in time with mine. Was someone trying to follow me? I continued walking pretending to ignore the noise. I then quickly took my bow, and immediately took an arrow and turned around. No one was there.
I shook her head thinking I was being delusional. I headed back to the guard tower, stepping swiftly. I found Garroth at the desk. "Uh, Garroth? I had a feeling someone was following me, but I turned around and no one was there!" I say.
Garroth turns around. "There have been odd noises and such near the wheat fields. We're kind of worried," he says. I set down my bag. "How many people say they've heard it?" I ask, getting curious. "Well, there's... 4 people so far. I also heard something out on patrol a few days ago," Garroth replied.
"Garroth, have you heard anything from Bright Port recently?" He stands up. "No, they have stopped all trades with a few villages, obviously including ours." I nod. "What about O'Khasis?" I say. "I have heard they were attacked, if that is what you're asking, Sarah." I nod.
"Before I left, my father mentioned something about a terrible new lord in Bright Port, 'hungry for power.' My father also said that he had attacked a village farther away farther away from O'Khasis," I explain. "Well, they may be planning an attack here, and they are spying first! Or something..." I add. He thinks for a moment. "You're a princess, do you know some things that might help us?" Garrorh asks. "I can try to help out," I reply. "Great. We'll hold a town meeting tonight. Can you possibly find Laurence, and speed the news as you do this?" I nod.
I head out of the guard tower after putting away my bag and walk briskly through the village, chatting briefly about the meeting with people. I see Laurence over by the plaza. "Laurence! Laurence!" I shout. He looks over at me. "Yes?" he says. "Garroth needs you at the guard tower. There's a meeting tonight concerning the noises," I say. "Thank you, should I head right away?" I nod.
After walking back to the guard tower, and telling a few other people, we gather everyone in the bottom floor. "Quiet, please!" Garroth announces. The room falls down to a slight whisper. "Alright. Now, this meeting concerns the noises that have been heard in and around the village. Sarah has an idea. Please tell them," he begins. "Well, when I was back at my castle, father was saying that Bright Port had a new 'power-crazed' lord. He attacked a village recently called O'Khasis, and I believe they might attack here next." The room goes dead quiet, except for muffled sounds of breathing. "Now, we should prepare for something, in any case," I add. Garroth nods. "That is all, unless someone wishes to speak?" He looked around, but no one said a thing. "You may leave then."
Quiet whispers echoed through the tower as people began to push out toward the door. I didn't know that peace wouldn't last too long in Phoenix Drop.
I heard a shout later into the night. I looked out my window and saw the gates were crowded by... Guards. A whole army. "It's BRIGHT PORT!" I shriek to Garroth as he and the two other guards wake up. Dante jumps down the ladder to grab his gear while Laurence puts on his boots. Garroth grabs his sword. "Stay in this tower," he says to me. "But I can heal!" I say. He shakes his head. "Not until we finish the fight. When you see a flag of either side fly in the air, you'll know which side won and you can ONLY then can you come down!" He adjusted his helmet and raced down the ladder where Dante, Laurence, Dale, Brian, and another guard where standing. "Okay, west, east, gates, town, bridge!" Garroth directed the guards with his finger into the battle position. Sarah could only watch the battle as the Bright Port army busted through the gates, streaming towards them.
She saw a guard go down. It was the one she didn't know. She watched as the army charged up into the village. Sarah then saw the army of Phoenix Drop rushing in. I didn't think they had an army!! she thought. Sarah continued watching, waiting until it was over. She saw some guards go down. Then she saw Dante. Then a few of Phoenix Drop's army. Laurence was injured... Then Garroth was cut and fell to the ground. She let out a small shriek each time someone went down.
Sarah began to see arrows bursting through the gates. More soldiers went down. She had began packing her bag when Dante went down; by the time Laurence had fallen, she had her bow ready; and when Garroth fell, she was ready. She debated wether to go or not, but decided she would when she looked back at Laurence, Garroth, and Dante. Sarah flew down the ladder but stopped at the door. More archers were charging up through the forest. No. They were of Scaleswind. Sarah's home village.
So, I was told by Rollo111 that I rushed into the first paragraph. Does anyone else think I did? I'm not mad, I want to know if I'm doing something wrong. But anyways, I just write from ideas, and this was what my mind came up with! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

The Diaries of a Runaway Princess (Minecraft Diaries)
Fanfiction"O'Khasis was attacked, Your Highness! As part of the alliance, we must send your daughter to be betrothed to the lord of Bright Port's son so that they stop the attacks!" I left because of that. I was going to be betrothed to Bright Port's lord's...