Shadow Bound (9)

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Waking up from a sleepless night always leaves one feeling numb and quite frankly disoriented, and in a haze, Chelsea rose to find her room empty

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Waking up from a sleepless night always leaves one feeling numb and quite frankly disoriented, and in a haze, Chelsea rose to find her room empty.

"Was it all a horrible dream?" She mused aloud. She didn't see the letter anymore. The moment her feet hit the floor, she felt the crinkle of paper below. Instantly her shoulders slouched, and she felt all the blood drain from her face. With speed she didn't know she had, she grasped the letter and threw it into the drawer of her bedside table and locked the drawer with an incantation. No one could know.

Not knowing what time it was, Chelsea walked without a destination. In a dazed confusion, she walked into the great hall, to her usual spot at the Ravenclaw table. She felt sick to her stomach, not sure if it was from the lack of food as she had not eaten in twenty-four hours. Before she could even raise her hand to grasp anything, a horde of people surrounded her. Both seats beside her were immediately taken, as were the seats across from her.

"Where the bloody hell have you been, Wood?" Charles gaped, attempting to grab her attention. A cacophony of voices asked similar questions.

Young, intuitive Hermione Granger looked right at Chelsea Wood with knowing eyes, "It is something you don't want to speak about, is it? You look tired, Chelsea." Chelsea finally looked at the eyes of her friends. Charles to her left, Fred to her right, Elisabeth right across from her, and the trio distributed in that mix. Her tired eyes scanned all of theirs.

"I-I just need time to think about something." She stood up abruptly, almost mechanically, and left. She heard the shuffling of her friends watching her go, and listening to them try to come after her but Elisabeth and Hermione stopping them.

Even in the brisk December air, as soon as she was out of sight of her friends, she raced to the lake. Around her was a winter wonderland; snow had fallen as if a soft blanket over the ground. Intricately and carefully laid, the snow remained undisturbed the further she went. When the trees thinned, an iced-over lake opened before her. Under the icy surface, the giant squid swam delightfully and carefree.

"Y'er going to catch a big ol' cold standing out here like tha'." Hagrid spoke softly. The gentle half-giant was teary-eyed and seemed to seek solitude.

"Thank you for your concern, Hagrid. I'm okay."

"Rubbish. Y'er not, Miss Wood. One look at ya could tell anyone. What's the matter?" Hagrid questioned gently.

"I-I can't talk about it. I'm sorry Hagrid..."

"It's okay no' to be able to talk about some'hings. I believe I know tha' well enough. We all carry 'hings we canna share righ' away, and that's okay. I kno' ya have a good group behind ya." He chuckled softly, "They would do anything for the people they cared about'. I would know firs' hand. They will always be there if ya need 'hem." The half-giant sighed before surveying the frozen lake.

"Thanks, Hagrid. You're right about them, truly." She breathed freely for the first time in days. He smiled softly back.

"I need to magically thaw the lake soon. Worried about 'em, creatures. Need 'em for the next task...Oh no, ya shouldn' 'o heard 'at. Off ya go before I say too much again." He shooed Chelsea back towards the castle.

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