Shadow Bound (14)

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Chelsea landed on the wrong foot, falling sideways into hard, cold grass; her head slamming against something hard; Lucius Malfoy chuckled, Rookwood glanced down at her

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Chelsea landed on the wrong foot, falling sideways into hard, cold grass; her head slamming against something hard; Lucius Malfoy chuckled, Rookwood glanced down at her. Chelsea winced in pain, raising herself from the dirt. Pain throbbed at the back of her skull and something warm and wet slid down her neck.

"Where am I?" She said as cool mist breezed over her exposed skin, a shiver twisting down her spine. She looked around, Hogwarts was long gone; her friends long gone, and the stadium lights extinguished. She found herself standing next to a decrypted black church. The structure had seen better days, its windows having been broken over time the remaining shards littering the ground, and its sides weather-worn from decades of heavy rain. A graveyard spread out before them, crumbling and lopsided headstones stood erect. Around her were black outlined mausoleums and leave-barren trees. Fog ebbed between every structure and no other distinguishing landmarks could be seen; with an exception of a fine house in the distance. 

"Aurelia, all will be explained later. We must go to meet our host, he's been dying to meet you." Rookwood grabbed her arm tightly, pulling the dizzied girl forward. His grip strong, bordering painful.

"Let go of me! I did what you said! I went to the Astronomy tower! I listened!" Chelsea screamed, tearing her arm from Rookwood's grasp. She turned on her heels, running as fast as she could, dodging between headstones. 

"Bloody fucking hell." She heard Rookwood spit out in annoyance. Blood pounded heavily in her ears. "Crucio!" 

Before Chelsea could turn around to defend herself, she had been hit by the Cruciatus curse in the center of her back. All-consuming pain spread from her spine to every inch of her body. Molten glass poured over every part of her skin... Broiling knives pierced every inch of her spine. She felt as if she was surely going to explode from the pain; her organs felt as if they were boiling inside her body; she screamed louder than she'd ever screamed in her life. Her throat bloody and dry as the pain continued, seemly never to end. Chelsea clawed at the ground, withering in such pain she hadn't notice Rookwood's approach.

"You bloody little bitch," Rookwood pulled her up by grabbing a fistful of her hair, "when I told you I could hurt your measly little friends, I still can. Behave or I will personally kill them in front of you." 

"Control your daughter, Rookwood. He won't be pleased by her disobedience." Lucius Malfoy sneered, approaching the pair.

He stopped the spell with a flick of his wand, Chelsea fell to the ground gasping for air. She had never felt such pain in her life, her nerves were still on fire when Rookwood dragged her to her feet. He grasped her arm again, this time not hiding the iron grip. 

Not even ten feet from them was a large flash of blue light and before Chelsea, Cedric Diggory, Charles Tanner, and Harry Potter appeared out of nowhere, the Triwizard Cup abandoned on the dead grass behind them.

"Not a word." Rookwood cast a silencing spell before Chelsea could scream, pulling her out of sight from the boy but still having a full view of them. They could hear every word the boys said.

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