Chapter 11*

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1. Take me home~ Jess Glynne
2. Love me like you~ Little mix

Ginny's POV:

"Alright, follow me," Hermione stage-whispered, careful not to draw attention to us.

I grabbed her arm as she tried to turn the corridor. "Wait. Are we close?" I asked

"Yeah Gin, it's right past the library, before the restricted section." I let out a small giggle at that. "What are you giggling about?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, y'know, 'Restricted Section', that's all," I said, stifling a laugh. I was met with a blank stare from Hermione. "Oh you're so innocent, I love it."


"Nevermind. I was going to say that I should go on alone from here, it will work better for my plan."

Hermione grinned and nodded. "I can't wait. This is going to be hilarious. Just go past the library and walk through the right wall of the corridor, can't miss it."

I raised an eyebrow. "Through the wall? How... clandestine of you."

She swatted my arm lightly. "Just go already."

I smiled at her and winked. "Showtime."

With that, I walked confidently over to the special wall and tapped it. My hand went through. Huh, I thought. Guess it really is a secret room. I took a deep breath and pulled down the neckline of my already low cut top. This was going to be a difficult act.

With no further hesitation, I strode through the wall. I was greeted by the sight of an ornate wood-panelled room with very Slytherin decor. And at the fireplace, was a shirtless Malfoy, leaning against the wall.

"Took you long en-" he started, his voice purposefully low and sultry. However, as soon as he caught sight of me, his tone changed. "Weaslette?! What are you doing here?"

I widened my eyes innocently and walked over to him. Placing my palms on his shoulders, I slid ever closer, pressing my scantily clad chest to his bare one, "Oh Draco, why must you be so standoffish?" I pouted. "Why can't we just," I paused to bring my lips to his ear, "get along?"

"Umm what?" he said, shaking his head slightly, pushing me away from him a little roughly and stumbling backwards into a wall.

Not to be deterred, I suggestively grabbed his belt and pulled him back to me. "Well, I heard you were giving some very special lessons, and I thought I could learn from the best," I whispered. Then before he could protest, I leant in for a kiss; only to be met with air as Malfoy scrambled away onto the couch.

"I, umm, you, but," Draco stammered. His eyes suddenly brightened as he announced, "You're dating Potter!" sounding almost... relieved?

I grinned wickedly. This is progress. "He gave his blessing," I said, starting towards him once more.

He dodged, stammering again. "But uh-" Enough.

"I knew it!" I yelled, leaping away from him at once, fixing my top.

If possible, this confused him even more, though he looked a fair bit relieved. "What in Merlin's Marvellous Magical Mishap are you doing?!"

"Wow, I've never heard that one before."


"Look at that, you learned my name."

Standing up, he whipped out his wand (not that one) and pressed it to my chin. "Explain yourself," he growled, now quite fed up with my antics.

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