Chapter 16*

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Song selection:

1. Rumour Has It ~ Adele

Hermione's POV:

I raced by Ginny's side as we dashed up the many stairs to Gryffindor Tower, dozens of scenarios for damage control running through my mind.

We skidded to a stop in front of the Fat Lady where we found Harry leaning beside the portrait, nervously awaiting us. I took in his creased brow and wringing hands, inferring that he already knew. I took a deep breath, knowing that if I couldn't get Harry on my side no one would listen to me. For all I knew, Gryffindor would burn me at the stake for daring to associate with a former (or in their opinion, current) Death Eater.

"Listen, Harry," I began before Harry cut me off.

"No need to explain. Ginny's been gushing about you two for days." He gave me a once over, letting out a breath he seemed to be holding. "I don't love it, but Ginny adores...whatever this is, and you clearly adore him, and he you, so, I don't know, I guess it's okay. But tell him to watch himself. I defeated Voldemort, he won't be a challenge; so he'd best stay in line with you."

I wrapped him up in a relieved hug. "Thank Merlin, Harry. I don't what I'd do if you hated me."

He stepped away from my embrace, the worried look still affixed on his features. "It's not me you have to worry about. Pretty much all of Gryffindor is inside awaiting an explanation. I doubt everything Ron has been spouting is true, but even the biggest lies are palatable when paired with even a smidge of truth. I would know."

I nodded somberly, my spark of hope easily squashed. Harry's eyes flickered to Ginny, who was standing at my side, mysteriously not all over Harry as usual.

"Harry? Ginny?" I asked quietly. "Are you two alright?"

Ginny, who had been surprisingly quiet so far, grinned widely. "Yup. We've just had a little tiff." She leant closer to Harry and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "We're fine though."

Harry made a sound of agreement, and I filled that problem away for a later date, very much preoccupied with the issue at hand.

The Fat Lady chuckled. "Well you've got a fair bit of talking to do, the lot inside is in quite a tizzy. Is it true you had a three way with that cute blond one and the toothy brunette?"

I opened my mouth to tell her off for spreading rumours, but Ginny beat me to the punch. "Sod off and let us in. After ever after."

At the password, the Fat Lady sighed and swung open. "You lot are no fun. Always so serious."

I rolled my eyes and walked into the common room with Ginny and Harry standing protectively on either side of me. The common room was buzzing with the low hum of conversation, but it ceased instantly as I was spotted. I almost expected the sound of a record scratching to make the moment perfectly cliche.

"Right, before everyone starts wildly speculating-"

Peter Parker, the annoying third year that had proclaimed himself the official photographer of an imaginary school paper, held up a camera and yelled out a question over me. "Is it true your constant Slytherin orgies are a feeble attempt to make Gryffindor's own Ron Weasley jealous?"

With that, an explosion of questions rang out, students shouting ever wilder rumours over one another. I sighed, covering my face with my hands and rubbing my eyes. I took a deep breath and shouted. "Excuse me! Can someone please explain to me why this third year knows what an orgy is and why he thinks I participated in one? And for that matter, why everyone has their wands in a twist about my love life?!"

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