Chapter 32=

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Draco's POV:

"Hermione." I cried dropping to my knees feeling the water soak into my trousers at least it wasn't blood.

"Is she okay?" Weasel asked stupidly.

"She hit her head pretty hard. It's all your fault! You stupid prat." I snapped.

I pulled her head on to my lap and gazed down at her hoping she was alright.

"I'm going to take her to the hospital wing. You go back to the dungeons and stay away from Hermione." Weasel ordered.

"Not a chance, piss off I'll take her." I replied bluntly.

I picked up the unconscious Hermione and hoisted her over my shoulder.

"I'm going with you." Said weasel following us.

"Why? You don't give a fuck." I growled.

"I'm not allowing you to blame me for this and I do care" He said his eyes fixed on her bum.

I walked on ignoring him and soon we were in the corridors. I turned around to see if he was still following.. and unfortunately he was.

I glared at him furiously and he chuckled.

"What?" I snapped.

"Hermione is going to wake up and be so embarrassed that everyone seen you carrying her."

"Hardly." I replied bitterly.

"There's people now, they probably think you hurt her." Weasel said, trying to make me panic.

Weasel could easily say I pushed Hermione. But she would surely back me up when she woke.People were starting look at us with confused or angry expressions.

I don't blame them really.

Draco Malfoy carrying Hermione Granger knocked out through the halls with Ron Weasley following.

"What did you do to her?" Seamus Finnegan, snaps gazing at the unconscious Hermione.

"I didn't do anything." I snapped, pushing through the crowd.

I saw Pansy stomping towards us, looking absolutely furious.

"Draco! What are you doing?" She roared.

"Piss off Pansy!" I snapped

I spotted Ginny to my right.

"Hermione!" Ginny shouted, running towards us.

"What happened?" She cried.

"She fell and hit her head during detention." I said, and felt many eyes on me.

"What the hell? Why wasn't it supervised?" She asked gazing at Hermione.

"Filch probably went off the fuck his cat." I joked walking on.

Weasel was still following and Ginny now too. We were near the hospital wing now and Madame pomfrey would help her.

It hurts seeing Hermione like this and I wish I was listening to one of her boring lectures instead of carrying her unconscious. Finally we arrived and Ginny opened the door for me.

I stepped inside and Madame Pomfrey looked up from a patient.

"What happened?" She gasped running over.

"She fell and hit her head during detention" Said weasel.

"What are you standing around for? Put her on one of the beds" She said to me.

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