Chapter 12*

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1. Sweet lovin'~ Sigala.
2. What do you mean?~ Justin Bieber.
Hermione's POV:

Of course. Of course.

How could I be such an absolute blithering idiot? It was staring me right in the face. I thought back to all my interactions with Draco this year.

All through the summer, he ignored me along with Harry and Ron. Even all the award ceremonies and post-war celebrations he was forced to attend, he never, met my eyes. Not once. I even caught him looking away from me once or twice.

Then the year began. I never saw him. He was always off traipsing around with some girl or another. And then, all at once, it stopped. He was never around, always late to the class, always leaving early.

And, finally, the lessons. He wasn't trying to win my heart in some wildly twisted fashion like I had convinced myself he was in the deepest parts of my heart. He was trying to get me back with my boyfriend and in the meantime have a fun toy to play with.

All while he chased his true love. Not me.

Well, you know what? Malfoy can go to hell. If he thinks I'm his toy, then I'm determined to make the most of it. And in no time at all, Draco will have his mystery dream girl in his arms and I'll be back in Ron's.

That's what I want.



Ginny's POV:

I put a hand over my mouth, my mind racing. How the hell was I supposed to get this mess of an OTP untangled?

"Look, I understand being conflicted, but from what I've heard you've tried to put a stop to these "lessons" and didn't carry through. So need to ask you a hard question. You keep talking about feelings. I don't need you to define them, in fact, I'm sure that you couldn't if I asked, but I do need to know what you want."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you want out of this...thing with Hermione? A relationship? A fling? Nothing? You can't keep pussyfooting around with this 'lessons' bullshit."

Draco sighed. "What I want, she would never accept. And neither would my...background. And yet... Do you really think she cares for me?"

I held back a smile. "She has no idea how much she does."

"What on earth am I supposed to make of that?"

"Don't worry about it. So she's a bit of a fixer-upper, that's nothing I can't iron out. For now, we just need to go find her, she must be freaking out."

Draco finally smiled and buttoned up his shirt, slinging on a tie with military precision. "She probably thinks you hexed me."

I chuckled and threw him his robes. "She probably thinks I'm dead."

Draco and I laughed as he threw on his green-trimmed robes. Then we both froze. Our eyes widened in unison and we raced through the wall, expecting to find Hermione in a panic.

When we were greeted with an empty corridor, we breathed a collective sigh of relief. "Thank Merlin," I said. "But we should still go find her.

He nodded. "To the library?"

"Of course."

We arrived at the library and she was nowhere to be seen. Strange. We checked the corridor again and stopped right outside the secret room.

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