Chapter 23*

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Draco's POV :

"What the fuck were you doing?" Wait a second. "Did you even think through the consequences if you'd gotten caught!?" I know that voice.

I rolled my eyes internally as Blaise stepped out of the shadows, his wand raised. "Goddamnit Blaise, you scared me. What the fuck were you doing? Chasing us around like that, you could've given me a heart attack."

"I'm serious Draco. What were you thinking, traipsing around with her? Hallway snogging with your current toy is all well and good, unless the piece happens to be Granger." Brows furrowed and wand still half raised at me, Blaise actually looked pissed. That's new.

"What, scared you'd have seen what we were doing and learned a few things? Don't worry, I'll explain. When two consenting adults love each other very much, they-"

"Fuck off Malfoy, this isn't a joke," Blaise snarled. I shut my mouth so fast my teeth clicked. "When you told me all the stupid shit you were getting up to with Gryffindor's golden girl, I assumed you were at least smart enough to do it behind closed doors. If I stumbled upon you, anyone else could've too. That means Potter, or Weasley, or, Salazar forbid, Pansy. That girl may be a few macaroons short of a cookie bouquet, but she's Slytherin enough to castrate you. Seriously, how fucking stupid can you be? Show a little caution for Merlin's sake."

I blinked. That was more than I was expecting. "Sorry," I said, looking at the ground, "I just...couldn't help myself. We were just walking, nothing incriminating, and then, I just had to kiss her."

His glare softened, to be replaced with a knowing smirk. "Well, I called it. Totally whipped."

"Piss off," I said, chuckling lightly as the adrenaline slowly receded.

"Don't feel like it, not now I know you won't do anything no matter what I say, what with your balls rolling around at the bottom of Granger's purse and all. Speaking of, where is that lovely minx?"

I opened my mouth to make a few choice suggestions about where Blaise could shove his balls when I heard Hermione's confused voice from behind me.

"I'm right here."

"Why hello there Granger," Blaise purred, leering in a way designed to piss me off. It was working. "What reason has our favorite little goody-two-shoes out and about at such an ungodly hour?"

Hermione scoffed, sliding her hand into mine. "Ungodly activities. And yourself, Zabini?"

I interrupted before he could respond. "He was just leaving." I squeezed Hermione's hand meaningfully.

"No I wasn't," Blaise protested.

Hermione sized him up, then read the desire flickering in my eyes. She grabbed me by my tie and backed up into the secret room, pulling me along. Just before we disappeared into the wall, she looked over my shoulder at Blaise. "Yes, you were."

I reveled in his offended scoff for the brief moment before Hermione's lips were pressed against mine. Her fingers deftly maneuvered their way to the buttons of my shirt, undoing them all in a matter of seconds as she nudged me backward until my arse was pressed against the armrest of the leather couch. I broke our kiss, needing air as all my blood rushed south. "Well, I guess I know what you have in mind for tonight. Our faces were still pressed together uncomfortably, but we were both so short of breath that kissing was out of the question.

Hermione slid her thigh between my legs, the angle pushing her skirt up still further and exposing what seemed like miles of creamy skin. I couldn't help but rut against her thigh, and all the breath left my lungs as my erection found the friction it so desperately craved. "What can I say," she panted, "when you kissed me like that back in the hallway, it was all I could do to wait until we got here to continue what you started.

I shrugged my now unbuttoned shirt off as fast as I could, untangling my hands from the sleeves in a flash so I could bring them to her hips, pulling her forward to give my cock more friction as I continued to mindlessly rut against her, pressed as she was between my legs. "No complaints here." The removal of my shirt left my smooth chest covered only by my silver and green tie. Hermione used it to pull me forward so she could whisper in my ear, a wicked glint in her eye as if she expected what she was about to say to annoy me.

"C'mon Draco," she panted, her breath hot against my ear. She reached down, roughly palming at my cock where it strained against my trousers. "You're doing so good, so good. Come for me, Draco." There was a faint hint of laughter in her voice as she said the words, like they were a joke. That was, until I almost yelled with the sudden flood of arousal, jerked forward one last time, and came as I bit down hard on my bottom lip. My sight flickered with white at the edges as I continued rutting forward softly, working myself down from my high. That was, until I came to my senses and realized what had just happened.

We both froze, Hermione still panting near my ear. I refused to stop biting my lip, humiliation forcing a scarlet blush to spread across my cheeks. I'd just come in record time, in my pants, my cock totally untouched. "Draco Malfoy," she whispered. "Do you have a...praise kink?"

"What?! No, no, I just...!" I trailed off. I just what? My reaction to her words was unwarranted, like nothing I'd ever felt before. As a total accident, Hermione had stumbled upon a part of myself I'd never even noticed.

"You don't?" Hermione chuckled uncomfortably, trying to ease the tension, even as we still remained frozen against each other. "Sorry then, I won't do that anymore."

I opened my mouth to deny it again, accept her apology, and get back to my perfectly vanilla sex, which had always been more than enough for me before. Then my traitorous tongue betrayed me. "Or we could try it out. Just in case."

"Just in case, huh?" Hermione pulled away from me, extricating herself from our embrace and sizing me up. "You think you've got another round in you?" I nodded vigorously, so she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bedroom. She shrugged her shirt off along the way and I undid my tie.

When we kissed again, with Hermione beneath me on the bed, it was tentative, cautious. But soon, I let the embarrassing past few minutes slip away and kissed her in earnest. I grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her on the mattress with one hand and ground my hips down against hers. I wasn't quite hard again, but that was no excuse to let Hermione go unsatisfied.

I decided that it was time to try something new, so I slid off her and lowered my head to her skirt, which I flipped up onto her bare stomach. Then I grabbed her knickers, sliding them down her legs to be forgotten on the floor. I exhaled hotly on her center and flicked at her clit with my tongue, and she gasped, clenching the sheets in tight fists. "That's it Draco. You're doing so well," she panted, and my cock twitched with interest, filling out faster than I had previously thought possible. Holy shit.

And so the night went.

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