Chapter 14*

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1. Love yourself~ Justin bieber.
2.What do you mean~ Justin bieber

(This is a long one)

Chapter 14:

Hermione's POV:

"Oh no," I muttered, ducking my head and trying to hide behind my hair.

"What's wrong?" Ginny asked, peering at me curiously. 

We had just walked into the Great Hall when I spotted Ron sitting beside Harry in our usual spot.

"Ron," I said, continuing to walk with my head down, scrambling for a plan of action, but it was too late as we had already reached our spot.

"Oh shit," she whispered, placing a comforting hand on my arm before sitting down between Ron and I. Thank Merlin, I was utterly unprepared to deal with that prat today.

Quietly loading up my plate, I buttered a slice of toast in the tense silence permeated only by the conversations of the students around us and Ron's open-mouthed chewing.

"Are you okay?" Ginny whispered to me, noting my blush and bowed head.

Surprisingly, I found that I was. Sure, it was still painful to be around Ron, and I was still rather heartbroken, but Ginny had helped me realise that I had a new "goal" in mind, even if that same goal wasn't set on me.

I granted Ginny a small smile. "For the first time in a while, I think I am. And if I'm not, I sure will be," I replied cheerfully, adding on a wink that only Ginny knew the true meaning behind. She giggled in response and cast a glance over to Draco, turning back to me with a suggestive expression.

Ron, having witnessed nothing of that silent exchange, smiled widely, displaying a mouthful of food, "Erm, gld," he garbled around the food. When his unintelligible string of sounds was met only with looks of confusion and disgust, he swallowed and tried again. "I'm glad," he clarified.

My eyes widened and I straightened in my seat. "What?"

"Well, you had to get over me sometime." He placed a patronising look of false sympathy on his smug face and reached across Ginny to pat my arm. "It was, hard, wasn't it? Shhh, it's ok, just let it out. Let it all out. Maybe in a couple decades, when you're a virgin with 30 cats, I'll throw you a sympathy shag," he said with an arrogant smirk. 

I leered at him before shrugging off his arm. "Don't worry, I got over you just fine, with the help of someone who actually knows how to kiss."

Ginny smirked and chimed in. "Turns out it was only you she wouldn't be intimate with."

He narrowed his eyes and sneered. "Who'd want you?"

Ginny opened her mouth, but I spoke before she could. "None of your damn business."

Ron stabbed a fork into his eggs and snarled. "Lying cunt."

At this point, even Harry spoke up. "Ron!"

"What? She's a fucking liar!"

Ginny cuffed him on the ear and snapped at him. "You'd best shut your jealous mouth, Ronald."

"Jealous! I bet she doesn't even let him touch her." 

"From what I've heard, she has," said a familiar voice.

Ron whirled around in a fright, but his features morphed into a cruel snarl upon setting eyes on the owner of that voice. I bit my lip, fearing the inevitable fight that was to come from this encounter. 

"Sod off Malfoy, no one needs you gossiping over here," Ron growled, clueless as usual.

Draco smiled, but he looked more like a wolf baring its teeth. "I don't gossip, Ronald. I'll have you know that this information comes from-"

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