Chapter 17*

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"Because I still love you! Regardless of all of this, I do!"~Ron

"The fact that you think I'm sneaking about with Potter's girl, when she was just helping facilitate my giving Hermione Granger lessons in the boudoir."~ Draco

Hermione's POV:

I froze, my jaw going slack. I couldn't see, but I was pretty sure Ginny and Harry were in the same state. Ron's cheeks were flushed, and laboured breaths tore through his lungs rapidly, the only sound in the frozen room. After Merlin knows how long, I cleared my throat. "Excuse you?"

Ron sprung to his feet, as if my words were a cue of some sort, and began to pace the small bit of floor between his bed and Harry's. He ran his hands through his hair, and I noted a faint tremor in his fingers, probably from barely contained emotions. Like a dam fit to burst, I did not want to be here when the wall cracked.

"You fucking heard me," he muttered under his breath, refusing to meet my eyes.

"And you fucking dumped me!" I shouted, suddenly unable to control the anger boiling inside my chest. Perhaps boiling isn't the correct word. People always describe anger as hot, myself included, but what I felt in that moment was nothing close to any anger I'd felt in the past.

It was a cold burn, subzero, an icy clarity that clouded the edges of my vision like frost on a windshield and I felt a faint numbing sensation in my chest.

"You dumped me for refusing to be at your beck and call, you broke my heart for the most trivial reason I can imagine, and now" my voice rose to a fever pitch, "and now you come to me with this horseshit about loving me!? What's your motherfucking problem!?" I spat venomously.

Almost like I was asleep and someone was trying to wake me, I felt a faint touch on my shoulder from the edge of my consciousness. "Hermione maybe it's best-"

My voice tinged with the tone it took on when I was truly pissed, I cut her off. "Out."

Harry stepped forward and pulled her away. "C'mon Gin. We should do some damage control downstairs."

The second the door closed, Ron whirled on me. "My problem? What about yours? Traipsing around making out with that bastard where anyone could find you?"

"Right, like you've never done that with Elizabeth?!" I shouted back.

"That's different!" Ron said, turning away from me and throwing his hands up.

"How the hell it is different!?" I screamed, the caution of being overheard thrown to the wind as the icy burn spread.

"It just is!" His back still to me, his voice was strained with barely contained anger.

"Ron! How!?"

He whirled around, his face nearly as red as his hair and his hands moving wildly as he shouted. "You're not supposed to be....I don't know, that! I'm the outgoing one, I'm the hero! I'm used to being second to Harry, but to you and Malfoy!? It's torture! Can't you see how you hurt me?!"

The fight drained out of me in the coming silence, and I slumped onto the bed, looking at my hands. The ice ebbed, leaving in it's place only the raw emotions I so badly wanted to be free of, the only motivators in this entire conflict. My simultaneous love and sadness when it came to Ron. I felt tears prick at my eyes, and I blinked them away. "Can't you see how you hurt me?" I said quietly, peering up at Ron.

The fight seemed to leave him too, in its wake leaving only a seeming shell of the passion that was there second before. He slumped beside me onto the bed, rubbing his face with his hands. "Yeah. Yeah, I can. I just don't know how to fix it. And I don't even know if I want to. There's just a lot of...stuff."

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