The Arrangements

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"Hey, Eren." Mikasa called out to him.


"You love me, right?" She asked.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I do." He said as he wrapped his arms around her body.

"Does that mean you'll do anything for me?" Mikasa rests her head on his shoulder, embracing his neck.

"Yes. Anything for Mikasa." He whispered as he kissed her head and squeezed her firmly, rocking her back and forth.


She smiled as she had thought of a wonderful idea.


"She wants me to go to the coffee shop too?" Marco bursted.

"Yea yea, keep it down." Jean lowered his voice.

"How about I just let you two go on ahead. It'll be a great opportunity to reel her in!" Marco whispered in excitement.

"Jeez, you're trying to win the wingman award huh?" Jean scoffed.

"Oh Jean, let's face it, I'm already your wingman." Marco pats on Jean's back.

"Yeah okay." Jean answered sarcastically.

"Maybe she's already got her sights on ya."

"Or maybe she's already forced to see someone else." Jean sighed.

"What do you mean?" Marco wondered.

"She's always hanging around that punk."




"It'll be a real problem if he's into her." Jean spoke with concern.

"Jean! Don't let that thought stop you from loving the one girl you are interested in!" Marco plants a fist against Jean's chest.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen. I'll be there for ya." He smiled at Jean.

As they walked together down the hallway, they spotted a couple showing their feelings through embrace.

It was a bit hard to determine the couple from behind.

"Oi! No PDA!" Jean joked as he laughed. But not for long.

He began to have feelings of regret.

His laugh began to die out but Marco was still going on. How could he have been so stupid to shout that?

The couple was revealed to be Eren and Mikasa. Well shit.

Jean's face turned red once again. He was forced to bow before he fled. Marco was a tad bit confused however he got the message and soon ran after Jean.

"Jean! Wait up!" Marco shouted.


"It's those idiots." Eren slightly growled at the sight of Jean.

"I guess we shouldn't have done that here." Mikasa giggled.

She noticed that Eren was still staring at the direction in which Jean had exited. He couldn't shake the feeling of anger that has been boiling inside him ever since he was going to be humiliated by Jean a couple seconds ago.

"Relax, Eren. Let's go somewhere else." Mikasa began to drag Eren away from the scene as they had gone their separate ways from the fleeting boy.


"Jean! Stop running I can't catch up to you kid!" Marco half-jokingly shouted.

Jean didn't stop. What the hell was that?? Are they really together? Or are they just hugging as friends?

"Jean! Dude!"

He could hear his dear friend calling out to him, yet he continued to run further onwards. His only fuel was his sadness and confusion. Of all the people, why did she choose Eren?

"Jean!! Do you hear me?? Slow down! Let's talk about it!"

"Why are you still running??" Marco yelled.

Jean had finally stopped. He didn't take a moment to catch his breath. He felt upset, sick, and dizzy.

"Man, you're a pretty fast runner!" He chuckled.

Jean stared at the ground and sat down, his back leaning against the wall. He seemed a bit frustrated. Without hesitation, Marco joined him.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah... I just...." Jean thought of the Mikasa. That was all he could think of. He couldn't come up with a good lie.

"You saw that too, didn't you?" Jean looked at his best friend with sad eyes.

"........." Marco began to frown, seeing how hurt Jean was.

"Why is she....? It doesn't make sense!" Jean complained.

"You can talk to her about it at the coffee shop. It's today, right?" Marco spoke in a soft tone.

"Hn." Jean nods but avoids eye contact.

"Then ask her what you want to know. Don't let anything stop you." Marco encouraged him to confront Mikasa.

"........ You're right. I shouldn't assume.... I'll ask her." Jean smiled a little, causing Marco to mess up his dirty blonde hair.

"Now that's the spirit!"


After school had ended, Jean has practiced on how to speak to Mikasa. He couldn't think of an interesting topic because he didn't really know much about her likes and dislikes. As he made his way to the coffee shop, he began to search Mikasa. Through the glass window, she was inside the shop, waiting for him. She had a cup in front of her as she looked at her watch.

Jean took a deep breath.

"Don't fuck it up, Jean. You can do this." He says to himself.

Just as He took one step close to the shop, he can see that Mikasa had noticed his arrival. She smiled and began to wave at Jean.

He waved back with a nervous grin until....

Eren had popped out from behind with a cup of coffee, sitting down next to Mikasa.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"Oh hell no..." Jean shook his head.

Mikasa motioned Jean to join them as he stood as a statue from outside. That was when Eren had made eye contact with Jean. The Green-eyed teen was clearly glaring daggers at him for even showing up.


"Marco, I really wish you came with me." Jean whispered before he entered the shop, ready to sleep in a coffin before he dies of humiliation.

Ten Thousand Needles (Yandere!Eren x Mikasa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora