A Disastrous Date

987 35 17

"Jean, I'm so glad you could make it." Mikasa smiled as the dirty blonde teen joined the happy couple.

"Uh.. Yeah." He avoided contact with Eren, sitting across from them.

"Eren.... Please don't look at him like that." Mikasa whispered

With a sigh, the young teen relaxed his eyebrows and closed his eyes while he crossed his arms.

"It's a nice day today isn't it?" The Asian girl asked.

"Uh, yeah. It's really... Good." Jean looked outside to see that it was raining. He could hear the thunder clap, meaning that the weather was making things worse for the trio.

"I like the rain, don't you, Jean?"

Mikasa continuously asked Jean about random things, hoping that she's able to spark up a conversation between the two boys. Jean answered them short and simple so it didn't really get them anywhere. Eren went back to his usual stoic face, waiting for Jean to say something stupid so he'd have an excuse to insult him.

"I mean, I would probably like to move to Seattle one day hahaa..." Jean nervously laughed.

Eren scoffed at him and shook his head. Mikasa frowns at the sight of Eren before she made eye contact with Jean. Below the table, her hand was rested on Eren's lap to remind him to be on his best behavior. Eren noticed this and sighed, hovering one palm over hers, scooting his chair closer to the table, cluching onto her hand firmly which made her smile.

"I think Seattle sounds like a nice place, don't you agree, Eren?"

"....... Sure."

Mikasa's grin dies down but she decided to try again.

"Eren, would you like to say something to Jean?" Mikasa flashed her big smile in which the brunette couldn't resist.

Eren turned to the sweaty teen across from him. And with a warm welcoming facial expression, he says:

"Last time I saw a face like yours, I fed it a sugar cube."

Of course, what could be nicer than hearing something like that from your enemy?

"Eren...!" Mikasa gave him a worried look, jerking her hand from his hold.

"What? I was just complimenting him." Eren restrained her hand and held it once more under the table.

"Can you at least say something nice to him? I'm so sorry Jean, Eren's kind of in a bad mood today." Mikasa spoke.

"N-No no, it's fine, really--"

"So you're saying that I can keep going?" Eren interrupted.

"Eren, please-"

"What do you have against me Eren? What did I do to deserve your rude attitude?" Jean began to fight back.

Oh no.

"Okay, let's start with Mikasa, shall we?" Eren fired.

"Eren, don't!--"

"She doesn't want to be with you, Jean. Every second of her life she spent with you is like a living hell." His voice was quiet, yet extremely harsh.

"Eren!" Mikasa furrowed her brows together, trying to break away from Eren's grasp.

"T-That's a lie and you know it!--" Jean stuttered as he stood from his side of the table.


"Do you want to know something else? Mikasa is mine, so you can't have her..!" Eren began to stand from his table as well.

Mikasa looked around to see that they have created an attractive scene.

"Hey guys---" She held onto Eren's sleeve with her other hand, attempting to pull him back into his chair.

"Well guess what, Eren? Mikasa wanted to be with you only because--"

"Jean stop..!" Mikasa warned him.

"--She felt bad for you after Annie fucking left you!!"

"JEAN STOP IT!!" Mikasa shrieked as she covered her ears. She had tears forming from the corners of her eyes.

It fell silent.....

The customers stared at the trio with shock. Everyone in the room was paralyzed for a moment.

It was all going so well..... Actually, no. But Mikasa tried and she thought that everything would be okay if Eren were to make amends with everyone, starting with Jean. But that didn't go so well as she had hoped for. They didn't even last for 5 minutes without insulting each other. It was a total disaster and she had to blame herself for it. Jean He stared at the table that held three cups filled with coffee. He couldn't run away from the scene now. That's a coward's way out.

Eren stared into space. He clenched his fists tight and swallowed.

"Mikasa?.... Is that true?" He spoke in a quiet and forgiving tone.

She couldn't respond to him. Out of the three, she had to be the one to leave the coffee shop. Mikasa covered her eyes to hide her tears that were falling. As soon as she exited. Jean had gone after Mikasa because he didn't want to stay in the same room with Eren. As for him, he sat back down and laced his fingers together, hiding his face from the customers.

"Mikasa, wait--"

"Leave me alone Jean!" She cried as she continued walking.

"Hey, don't leave me here! I came here for you! Not him!" Jean blushed as he managed to grab Mikasa's hand to stop her.

"I just..... I just wanted you two to get along... But it was a stupid plan. It's so stupid and pointless." Mikasa wiped her falling tears.

".... Why?" Jean asked with a soft and soothing voice.

Eren had gone out to find Mikasa during that time. When he finally found the two of them together, he noticed he had come at the wrong time.

"Because everyone hates him, Jean! Everyone hates him so much I just don't want him to be all alone!!" She sobbed.

Jean acted on instinct and embraced her form.

"I'm so sorry Mikasa. It's not your fault. No one can blame you." Jean whispered.

"Mikasa....Do you really love him?" Jean asked.

Eren was afraid to hear her answer. He stood there from behind and listened.

"Yeah... I do. I love him, Jean. I really do." She replied.

NOTE: Just so you all know, Jean was just throwing stuff out there so he really didn't know what Mikasa's true intentions were. It's a mere coincidence, but Jean knew that Annie left him for another and it went on from there.

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