Tested Patience

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"Where am I?" 

It was pitch black. The young man couldn't see a thing. He felt a cold chill pass by his neck, making him shudder. He didn't remember being at a pitch black place. He realized that his hands were tied as he tried to stand from the cold metal chair. He lost balance, causing him to fall to the side. Alas, his face was pressed against the ice floor. 

"Urgh! Dammit! What the hell is going on??" He grunted, trying his best to keep his cheek off the cement floor.

The young man didn't know what was happening. All he remembered was that he planned on returning home after attending a small party at a friend's house. It was dark that day. That was all he could recall. 

There, he heard footsteps approaching his bonded form. He couldn't depict whom it was. 

"Who are you!? W-What did you do to me!?" The young man screamed.

"Oh Jean. If only you knew..." 

"Eren....?" Jean recognized the voice from behind. He could feel a pair of eyes peeking through him.

He tried to turn around to face Eren, yet it was hopeless. 

"Eren, what the hell are you doing? What did you do to me!? Untie me, you idiot!" Jean demanded in anger.

Eren sighed, pulling Jean up to sit back into his chair. He then pulls a small string to shine light on Jean.

"Mikasa doesn't need people like you, Jean." Eren explained.

"What are you talking about? Have you gone mad??" Jean questioned him.

"Of course not." Eren chuckled, resting a hand on Jean's shoulder.

"Just look what you did to me! This is not some sick joke, is it, Jaeger?!" The bonded teen shouted.

"Oh Jean... The only one sane here, is me." Eren smiled, slapping Jean hard across the face.

"Ow! What the hell was that for, asshole??" Jean panted, scrunching his face to endure the pain.

"Now now. I need you to focus, Jean. Look at me, okay?" Eren grabbed a bed of Jean's hair, forcing him to look up to him. Within a split second, Eren swings and strikes him at the cheekbone, embedding a faint bruise. Jean's eyes couldn't adjust to the bright light shining in his eyes from the ceiling. He wondered how long he blacked out since he started aching from his muscles to his weak legs.

"Fuck! You... Piece of shit...!" Jean groaned in pain, avoiding Eren's calm gaze. He knew the bastard was enjoying tormenting him. He couldn't get his mind wrapped around the true reason behind it.

"Are you done acting like a bitch, Jean?" Eren scoffed, nearly breaking out a laugh.

"What the fuck do you want?" Jean cleared his throat, glancing at Eren.

"Mikasa was angry at me yesterday. It had something to do with you." Eren protested.

"What? No." Jean casually answered, turning away.

Out of impatience, Eren jabbed another fist on the small bruise, causing it to spread on Jean's face.

"AUGH! What the shit--"

"Jean, you gotta tell me, buddy. We're good friends, aren't we?" Eren knelt down to level his height with Jean.

"I don't... Know what you're talking about...!!" Jean felt the pain sting his eye, barely able to keep up with Eren's game of torture.

"She's mad at me because of you. What did you say to her?" Eren asked.

Jean stayed quiet for a moment, thinking of what to say in order to save himself. Instead, he decided to provoke Eren.

"She? Are you sure we're talking about the same person here?" Jean sniffed, feeling a drop of blood falling from his nostril.

"What are you talking about?" Eren leaned in close to listen to his captive prey.

"This is all about Annie, isn't it?" Jean stated.

In response, Jean took a hit to the jaw, knocking him out of the chair. Jean grunted and cursed Eren under his breath for that. Eren lets out a weak laugh, unimpressed with Jean's intended tactical advantage.

"Why are you making this so hard?" 

Eren viciously plants he bottom of his shoe against Jean's cheek. 

"Is it that difficult to answer my question?" He spoke in a serious tone.

"Fuck off, Eren. You're nothing but garbage. Mikasa thinks nothing of you. Because that's what you are..... Nothing.." Jean muttered.

"Since you're a persistent little bastard, why don't we ask Mikasa? I'm sure you're happy about that. She'll be joining you soon enough." Eren asserted.

"Don't you dare touch her, you bastard!!" Jean scowled.

"She made a promise to me." Eren lifts his shoe off Jean's bruised face.

"And she broke it because of you!" 

Jean's vision became blank white for a second, realizing that Eren kicked him straight in the face. Blood spewed out from his nose, streaming down. Jean rolled to the other side away from Eren.

"SHHHHIT!!" Jean screamed, unable to endure the given pain.

"I'll get you for this, Eren!! You fucking....!! GAHH!!" 

Eren grabs Jean, choking him by the neck using his strong arm, gripping onto him in a head lock.

"You wanna run that by me again? Huh?" Eren grunted while Jean tried to fight back for air.

"Fuck you!" Jean answered through his gritted teeth.

"She was perfect! She was everything to me! Then you took her away!" Eren argued, continuing to suffocate Jean.

"She saved me from Annie! She gave me a second chance to live! And you ruined everything!!" Eren was on the brink of tears, recalling the moment that Mikasa had ran away from him out of fear and anger.

"Eren....! Stop!..." Jean gagged, kicking around, trying to pry off Eren's arm.

In a brief moment, Eren finally releases Jean from his death grip, backing away. Jean desperately gasped for air, sleeping on the cold floor, coughing and wheezing.

Eren quickly fled the scene, locking the door as he left Jean alone under a single bright light. He grabbed a bottle of chloroform along with a cloth. He couldn't wait to kill Jean in front of Mikasa so that she knew what importance he had if Jean disappears from the face of this earth. All he wanted was to fix everything and go back to the usual. This time, without Jean.

"I'm coming for you, Mikasa." 

Ten Thousand Needles (Yandere!Eren x Mikasa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora