<Chapter One>

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Anna breathed in the fresh air deeply. She was high in a tree, wedged in a fork in the tree securely. The wind was blowing, rustling the oak tree's remaining leaves and blowing the random strands of hair that came out from Anna's braid.
It was late fall, almost winter; Anna's favorite season. The cool air invigorated her, making her feel like she could do anything.
She closed her eyes and listened to the wind.
"Anna!" A voice called out faintly, "Where are you?"
Anna's head perked up, and she swiftly began to climb down the tree. She dropped the last few feet, flexing her knees as she landed to break the fall. Instantly, she set off in a sprint, headed towards the voice.
"Anna!" The voice called again, definitely closer.
Anna grinned and stopped running. Talking a few moments to steady her breathing, she crept quietly towards the voice.
She cut through the woods, watching her footing carefully so she wouldn't step on any dry twigs. As she got closer to the voice, she slowed her progress even more so the person would not see any sudden movement. She crouched, and peered through the trees and brush. Anna spotted her friend, Amity, looking upset.
"If you are trying to scare me, Anna, don't!" Amity huffed angrily, and swept her gaze around in a circle, looking for Anna. 
Anna froze in place. Every instinct told her to jerk back behind a tree, but she knew in moving, her movement would be instantly spotted. She had learned that from a book series, the Ranger's Apprentice.
Anna was wearing dark brown leggings, and a light brown sweatshirt, and Amity's gaze swept past the place where Anna was crouched.
'People expect you to be at eye level, so when you're crouched, they are less likely to see you.' Anna thought, 'I believe Halt said that.' She reflected.
As Amity looked in the opposite direction, Anna very carefully moved forward. Every time Amity looked in her direction, she froze. It seemed unbearably slow to Anna, but she forced herself to keep this pace.
Anna finally was only a couple meters away from Amity.
Amity was on a trail about two meters wide that cut through the woods.
Moving swiftly yet quietly, Anna moved onto the path behind Amity. As Amity swept her gaze around, still looking for Anna, Anna moved quickly and quietly behind her searching friend.
Anna tapped Amity's shoulder and stepped back a large pace.
Amity whirled around to face a grinning Anna and let out a huge sigh.
"How?!" She asked angrily, "I was even looking for you this time!"
Ever since Anna had been reading the Ranger's Apprentice, she had been practicing the skills that were mentioned in it. Amity had learned after a week or two that Anna would not simply come out in the open again. Anna threw back her sweatshirt hood and grinned again, "A ranger can't share secrets. The more that is unknown about them adds to the mystery and aura of the Ranger's corps."
Amity groaned, and shook her head, "Unbelievable." She muttered.
Despite the arguments on the subject of sneaking up, Amity and Anna were best friends. They had known each other all their lives, and added to that, they lived only a few minutes away, so they spent hours together.
"So," Anna broke the silence that had followed, "What did you want me for?"
Amity broke out of her black mood and grinned mischievously for a second.
"My dad and your dad finally talked about us trying to make you-know-what." Amity paused dramatically, waiting for Anna's impatience to get the better of her.
Unfortunately for Amity, Anna knew what she was doing, and refused to be baited. She recalled the section from The Sorcerer of The North.

"Finally Halt shifted his seat on the hard ground and said in an exasperated tone, 'Oh, all right Crowley! Let's get on with it, for goodness sake!'
      The Corps Commandant smiled delightedly at his friend. 'I thought we were testing Will's patience here, not yours,' he said. Halt made an annoyed gesture.
      'Well consider it tested.' "

Anna laughed inwardly remembering that section, but kept her face deadpan of emotion.
Finally, Amity herself was frustrated, "Well, we're allowed to do it." She said shortly.
Anna allowed herself to grin, "Great! When do we start?"
Amity allowed herself a small smile, "Whenever we want."
Anna cleared her throat slightly, "When do we start?" She repeated.

740 words in this chapter! *whoop whoop* so thank you all for reading this! Really appreciate it! Hopefully I will update soon. :)

Goodbye for now my little hobbits! (Lotr/th nerd to the end)


P.s. If you find any spelling errors you can tell me and I will fix them. :)

P.p.s. The picture for this chapter is one I took. :) (but in the book there is no snow yet)

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