<Chapter Fourteen>

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          Hoofbeats approached a cabin in the woods. A dark brown horse with a coarse black mane soon came into view. On his bare back, was a young girl. Her brown hair was flowing loosely back, and she was wearing a mottled cloak that seemed to blend into the background. Anna slowed Erak as she neared the cabin and swung down from him. She dropped his reins and surveyed her surroundings. The cabin stood peacefully off to her right. The wooden logs looked rough, and Anna guessed she could get many splinters if she rubbed it. The woods spread across the rest of her field of vision. Bare trees, just beginning to show buds of green. Green grass had begun to spring up everywhere, despite small tufts of tan grass. She smiled and stroked Erak's mane, "Stay." she told him. He tossed his head, as if to assure her, and Anna unlocked the cabin and went inside.
On her back was a sturdy backpack, which she slung off onto the couch. She grabbed three blankets from the cabinet and went into the room which was hers, plopping them onto the bed. Anna grabbed The Emporer of Nihon-Ja from the nightstand that was next to the bed, and, siting on the bed, began to read. She read for over an hour, engrossed in the interesting tale—even though this was her third time reading through it— until she realized it was getting dark.
Anna had gotten permission from her parents to sleep in the cabin, on the conditions that she would remember to lock the door, and call them if anything happened. Grinning, Anna changed into her soft PJs and opened up the blankets, spreading them over her bed. She went to the door and double checked that it was locked, and then slipped under the bed covers.
Sighing contentedly, Anna closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.

317 words.

Gaaaahhhhhh sorry I haven't updated in like forever!!!! And now that I have updated, it's a really short chapter!! Good grief! Well I'll try to get on the ball of updating!!!

Well bye bye for now!!!


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