<Chapter Four>

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"Hm..." Anna bit her lip, thinking.
Anna and Amity were in the cabin, looking around. They were deciding what exactly to put in the cabin. Amity wanted it to be more luxury, and Anna wanted it to be more simple, like the Ranger's cabins. They had been working out a compromise for the last few minutes.
"Maybe a small rug." Anna finally said, a little exasperatedly.
Amity smiled, "Thank you." She sighed. "So we want a couch?"
Anna thought for a moment, "Alright. A couch."
The girls talked for over an hour, deciding what to put in the cabin, before they headed inside.

* * * next day * * *

Anna stretched and yawned loudly. Flipping back the covers, she climbed out of bed. She ran her hand through her messy brown hair and headed to the cereal cabinet. Grabbing Fruit Loops, milk, a bowl, and a spoon, she plopped down at the table.
She poured the cereal, accidentally spilling pieces all over the table, poured the milk, and after that, prayed.
Still half-awake, she began to eat her cereal while reading the Ranger's Apprentice. When she finished her bowl of cereal, she reluctantly put her book mark in and closed the book.
Anna was homeschooled, so she didn't have to go anywhere, which she was thankful for. Quickly, she got her school out and worked on it.
After a few hours, Anna had finally finished her school and chores. Her mom Sylvia was awake, and emptying the dishwasher. Anna bounced up to her, "Mom?"
"May I go outside to work on the cabin?"
"Of course." Sylvia smiled, "Just be back before dinner."
Anna grinned, "Alright."
"And sweetie,"
"There's an old bookshelf in the garage your father found on the side of the road. He said you might want it." Sylvia told her.
"Thanks, mom!" Anna darted out to the garage to see the bookshelf. It was a little taller than Anna, and approximately two feet wide. Anna looked at it delightedly. Running back inside, she grabbed her iPhone and texted Amity.
"Amity! Come over soon! I need your help. Come through the front door."
"Um... Okay. I just finished up with school and chores, so I'll be there soon."
After five minutes, Amity came over.
"Amity!" Anna yelled, as Amity jogged up the driveway, "Meet me in the garage!"
The two girls stood in the garage looking at the bookshelf.
"I need your help to move it." Anna explained.
Amity nodded, grinning, "Then let's do it!"
After opening the garage door, the two girls together lifted the bookshelf and headed for the cabin.
"Oof! This is heavy." Anna remarked. Amity grunted agreement.
After what seemed like forever to the girls they made it to the cabin. They got inside and gratefully set the bookshelf down.
Amity sighed, "Now where do we put it?"
Anna looked around the cabin. Finally, she pointed to a wall. "Against that wall should be fine."
The girls picked the bookshelf up again and moved it over to the wall where they set it down again.
Anna and Amity exchanged delighted grins and ran out the door to the house.

Over the next few weeks Amity and Anna collected old furniture for their cabin. By the time the first snow fell, the cabin had acquired a door, two old beds, a small braided rug, three wooden chairs, a coffee table, and a three seat couch. Anna and Amity had also acquired a stack of blankets (that their mothers did not want) to put inside the cabin. James and Doyle also put some shelves up in the cabin for Amity and Anna as well.

Anna and Amity sat on the couch, with many blankets piled on top of themselves, sipping on hot cocoa, watching the snow fall. Their dads had put glass windows in a few days before the snow had started. There wasn't a microwave in the cabin, so the girls had had to make the cocoa inside the house, heat it up to be burning, close the lid, and sprint out to the cabin. The strategy had succeeded and as a result they had one thermos of warm hot cocoa each.
"Our new headquarters is finally complete." Anna said, raising her thermos of cocoa.
Amity clinked her thermos with Anna's in agreement and they both sipped.
"We need to name the cabin something." Amity said after a pause.
"I agree." Anna began excitedly, "We could name it Graybeard Halt! You see, Halt's apprentice Will played the mandola -not a lute- and there was a song called Old Joe Smoke, but Will made a parody of it named-" Anna stopped midway through her rant, glancing at Amity. Amity gave her a long-suffering look.
"Sorry." Anna mumbled, "But we should name it Graybeard Halt!"
Amity sighed, "I can't think of anything else right now... So for now it will be called Graybeard Halt. Until I can come up with something better."
"Yay!!!" Anna whooped and took a big gulp of her cocoa, "To Graybeard Halt!"

838 words this time!

Sorry it took awhile for me to update! I'll try to update more often.

Also I am thinking of starting an Eragon fanfic! Tell me what you guys think!

Thank you, thank you, for hanging in with me! I'm just a beginner writer so I know it's not that good, but you guys have stuck with me this far! And I really really appreciate it!

Tell me any ideas you have for this story, or any other story you may want me to write!

Have a great day/week/year all you little hobbits!


P.s. I took this picture. :)

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