<Chapter Sixteen>

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Amity and Anna met in the cabin the next day after school. Anna was dressed in dark brown pants, dark green shirt, and her cloak. Around her waist was strapped the two knives, and her quiver of arrows stuck out over her left shoulder.

"Impressive." Amity commented, when she first saw Anna. Anna grinned, "Now I want to show you how these work. As you've probably noticed, the cloak is to help me blend into the woods." Amity nodded, and Anna continued, "Now, first I'll show you the bow. Anna walked aways away from the first target. In one smooth motion, Anna drew an arrow from the quiver, nocked it, aimed, and fired at the target. Instantly, she spun on her heel to face another target, loosing another arrow. Snapping around to the opposite direction, Anna drew, nocked, and fired in a matter of seconds.

Amity watched her, impressed, "That was amazing!" She exclaimed once Anna had finished. Anna smiled, "Thanks!" she retrieved her arrows from the target, which had hit the center or very near it, "I still need a lot of practice, though." After putting her arrows back in her quiver, Anna drew her knives, alternately throwing them at a target. Each time she threw, the knife made a new puncture in the center of the target.

"Wow. You've been busy while I've been gone!" Amity commented, eyebrows raised.

Anna laughed, "Yup. I have one more thing to show you."

Anna went over to Erak, whom she had tied up near the cabin.

"Okay, boy, now it's time to show off a little." She murmured quietly to him. Erak tossed his mane,

I don't disappoint.

"Of course you don't. Never said you did."

But you were thinking it.

"No I—"

"Anna?" Amity interrupted, "Are you okay?"

"Um, yah." Anna quickly mounted, embarrassed at being caught talking to her horse.

"Were you talking to Erak?"

"What? That's absurd." Anna answered shortly.

Amity raised an eyebrow, "Alright, then..."

Anna backed Erak up a couple yards away from the targets, and gradually set him into a gallop. Riding the motion, Anna drew and arrow and nocked it. She fired the arrow, and as soon as it left her bow, drew, nocked, and fired an arrow at a different target. Erak flew past the targets, not giving Anna enough time to fire another arrow. Anna slowed Erak down, and turned him around, trotting back to where Amity was. After Amity congratulated Anna, they played a game where Anna had to try and sneak past Amity. Amity searched thoroughly each time, but only a few times did she find Anna. After that, the girls parted ways, each to her own house.

Once Amity was in her own house, she asked her parents about an
idea she had had. They both agreed it was an excellent idea, and Amity went straight to the computer and sent an email to someone.

. . . I have seen how her training is, and I have rated it top-notch.
-Amity (the Ranger's friend)

504 words.

Guys I have an announcement. This book is almost done. The end kinda slapped me in the face when I was outlining a little bit ago. But don't worry, there are a couple more chapters (2 more chapters to be exact).

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