Extra 3: Friendship, Hatred, and Love (FINAL)

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I haven't seen Wendy for 16 years now. This was the longest time we've never seen each other. I heard she had a daughter, a princess named Ysabel Juvia Fernandes Van Fullbuster. I recognize that name, Ysabel is the name I loved to have when I talked to her about secrets when we were kids. She said that if ever she had a baby, she would name her Juvia, she must have put those names together. After all this time, she's thinking about me too. I missed her so much. I married Jerard Knightwalker by the way. We can’t have any kids because we both don't want to and we're both sterile. I wanted to see her, I'm ready to give my apologies for acting as I did. I'm going to see her tomorrow! I wanted to apologize to her.

"The Great Extalia Kingdom was attacked!", a man shouted while running in the town. Attacked? What does he mean by that? Wait, what about Wendy? Has she been harmed?

"Jerard, I want to go to Extalia! I have to see what happened to Wendy!", I said to Jerard while running.

"I'm coming with you!", Jerard shouted back.

When we reached Extalia, it was foggy. The smell of ash was everywhere. There is nothing left from the city. When we reached the castle, it crumbled down and looked like ruins. I felt a shiver down my spine. I run over to look for Wendy and her daughter. Please, please don't let me see what I am imagining. Please, please tell me she's alright. We've been running all around the castle to see if there's anyone who's still alive but we could find none. I started crying and shouted "WENDY!!!!"

Jerard hugged me tight when I stopped crying on the floor. Where is she? Where is SHE!

"Jerard, I don't know what I will do. Tell me; please tell me she's safe! Jerard please", I begged him.

"We don't know that yet. We have to find someone first", he told me.

We reached a corridor that was not as ruined like the others. I kept my hopes up. When we opened the door, the whole room was dark, blood flows on the floor. It was then when I saw Prince Zeref laying down the floor, his hand stretched towards a darker place on the room, we lit a fire and saw Wendy's hand held by Prince Zeref, her body lays bloody. I almost had all of my blood drained. No! It can't be!

"We...Wendy!!!!!, No, this can't be!", I was crying, panicking, shouting all over the room as I run towards my friend's body. "Wendy please, open your eyes", I pleaded. I hear a tiny heartbeat coming from her. She opened her eyes, the look from it was tired and was ready to close again. She reached for my face and cried.

"Er...Erz...aaa...*coughs*...Is that really you?", she asked weakly.

"It's me, I'm here Wendy. Hang on, it's alright", I said.

"I...I'm...sssooooorrryyyy Errzzzaaa...", she said.

"Idiot! I should be the one saying that. Don't talk too much, save your energy. You'll be alright Wendy. Everything's gonna be fine", I said, I can't keep my tears from falling. I don't want her to leave me again.

"Errrzzzaaa, I ca...n't...staaayyyy wwith yoouu...I'm sorry, I might leave you again. *coughs*, please Erza, I have a favor to ask of you, this is my lifetime request...*coughs*"

"No you're not, you're not going anywhere!", I shouted at her.

"Find my daughter, find her Erza please....she's.....*coughs*", she didn't finished what she's trying to say.

"Stop it! I'll find her and you'll be with me too so...", I haven't finished my sentence because she held my face and then cried.

"It's nice to see you again Erza", she said, and then smiled. Her hands fell off from my face and I can't hear her heartbeat any longer.

"No, no please Wendy...no...NOOOO!!!!!!", I hugged her body, her warmth was starting to disappear. Wendy laid dead in my arms. Jerard hugged me and cried with me too. We stayed in that position for a long time. I wiped my tears and took Wendy's body and Prince Zeref's to bury near the ruins of Extalia. They have to be buried together I thought.

I heard Jerard's footsteps coming towards me. I looked back and said:

"We have to find her daughter"

(to be continued)

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