Chapter 1: Better Off Dead.

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A/N: To all my readers thank you for waiting so patiently! I just could not get the story to where I liked it. It took me seven re-writes in order to get right. Then I couldn't figure out how I wanted my book cover! Well Merry Christmas here's the first three chapters of Shattered!

The world was closing in on us. It had been three weeks since Atlanta, just yesterday we had to put Tyreese to rest. He had been bit twice while looking for Noah's family. We were losing hope with little to no water and hardly any more food. Daryl, Sasha, and Maggie were out looking for water. I on the other hand was hunched over for the fourth time puking. It had happened the last three days. I sighed and wiped my mouth. When I looked up Daryl stood there. The poor guy was shattered losing Beth killed him. I forced a smile acting like nothing even happened.

"Grace, you okay?"

"It's nothing, must of eaten somethin' the made me sick." I wiped my mouth.

"You need water..."

"I'm fine babe really."

"Maybe you should rest a minute." He quickly said.

"Daryl I said that I'm fine!"

"Alright, damn!" He wipes sweat off his head. "Better get goin'." He holds out his hand and I grab it.

"No luck?" Rick asked. All three of them shook their heads. "Let's get goin'." So we started walking again. At one point Daryl brought my hand to his mouth kissing it. All it did was make me tingle inside. I felt bad for yelling at him. I could tell he was trying his hardest to get his mind off of Beth. I saw Maggie had her head down to, Glenn pulling her in close.

It's no tellin' how long we walked but Daryl and Carol disappeared into the woods again. While we stayed on the road trying to figure out how to take out the pack of walkers behind us. We were on a small bridge so once one got close to Rick he gave it a push and it fell down the side. Michonne started taking off heads with her katana. One got close to me and I stabbed it in the neck. Sasha was killing them left and right taking her brother's death out on the corpses. I looked over to see Daryl pull a walker away from Rick and killing it. Rick nodded at him then he made his way to where I was.

"I think we're good." Abraham bellowed.

"Yeah, let's keep movin." Rick says and then looks to Daryl. "No luck?" He just shook his head. As we started walking again I noticed another knife on Daryl's belt. I also noticed that he looked even more sad than before. It made my heart crack to see him like this.

"I love you..." I said lowly.

"Love you more..." He replied.

"Love you more than the most..." I saw a small smile pull at his lips as I stared at his profile. He

looked at me a minute then looked straight once again.

"Grace Lynn, I love you to the moon and back. Never forget that..." He slid his hand in mine. It made me blush and I gripped his hand tighter. For the rest of the time we walked it was quiet, probably so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Finally we all stopped to rest. My stomach rumbled with hunger, we had offcially ran out of food. Whatever came up this morning was gone for good. Glenn tapped on my shoulder. I turned back to look at him. Maggie sat next to him staring at a music box Carl had given her this morning.

"You should have the rest of this." He tried to give me almost a half bottle of water.

"I'm fine..." I shook my head.

"Grace, please? I saw you get sick this morning." He shoved it forward.

"No Glenn it's yours. You and Maggie-"

"Just take the damn bottle!" She quickly said shutting the music box. I was pissed now yanking the bottle from his hand.

"You're not the only person who's lost fucking family here!" I snapped instantly regretting it. I felt everyone's eyes on me. "I'm sorry..." I set the water down and got up walking a little ways down the road. Everyone was a complete mess. Tears started to flow. It was different for Maggie she actually saw her father and sister get killed. I felt someone touch me. I turned around finding Daryl standing there.

"I really don't need a lecture." I wiped my eyes.

"I don't see nobody given' you a damn lecture Grace Dixon." We heard dogs growl and Daryl turned around. He started back toward the group but Sasha shot them down in an instant. Maggie's eyes were on me, she was pissed. I wouldn't blame her if she ever forgave me.

"Go, I think I'll stay here awhile."

"Your comin' and we're going to eat." He turned and looked at me.

"I'm not eating a damn stray dog Daryl that's disgusting!"

"Quit bein' such a stubborn mule, maybe you wouldn't of gotten yelled at earlier."

"Oh I'm stubborn? Please, why don't you take a look in the God damn mirror." I look him up and down crossing my arms.

"I know I'm stubborn but not when it comes to food. If you wanna' survive all this then I suggest you boot scoot your ass over there and eat, not matter how pissed you are at Maggie." He says it sternly turning away and walking back to the group. I just rolled my eyes and followed him.

Part of me knew that he was pissed for what I said to Maggie to.

I went to go sit down but Maggie got up and handed me an axe. "Go find some wood." I yanked it from her grasp and went into the woods. I took all my anger out on the small tree I had found. I was starting to sweat chopping the small tree into five separate logs. Half way through I felt like I was going to pass out. Then I started to feel nauseous again. I dropped the axe inches from my foot as I fell to the ground grabbing my stomach.

"Grace!" Glenn shouted as he ran over to me squatting.

"I'm fine it's nothing, Gods way of getting me back for being such a bitch to your wife."

" you need water." I sighed as he shoved the bottle in my hands. Taking it I took a small drink. The water was hot but it made me suddenly feel better. I felt more refreshed.

"Take it back...I'll drink it all. You need the rest. I'm sorry for snapping at Maggie, I feel bad for her." Tears welled up in my eyes. "Beth she was Daryl's motive and just seeing her in his arms like that-" I just broke down into tears. I had been feeling extremely emotional lately. "I just feel like I came in and ruined everything." I picked up the axe but Glenn grabbed.

"No, you didn't ruin anything."

"I should of been dead Glenn...I should of died!"

"Dead, huh?" I looked up finding Daryl standing there holding a bloody knife and fur. He scoffs dropping the fur on the ground and turns away. My heart sank as he walked back to the road. I felt awful.

"Did you wanna' die?" Glenn asked placing his hand on mine. I shook my head.

"'s just maybe if I hadn't ever been found then she would of been okay..." More tears streamed down my face. Glenn's face fell.


"Leave me alone...please..."

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