Author Note! **Please Read!!!**

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Hello fellow Shattered readers, it has been a super long time since I last posted. I do apologize for that...I'll have you know that I have plenty chapters written. Sadly, there is a large issue with everything written so far! It is all filler, it is boring...even I as the writer of the story believe that it is BORING!!! =/ Sad but true... I'm not even a huge fan of some of the chapters I have posted on here :(

I am going to try my best and cut a lot of the stuff out that I have written and write something else in place of it. If it doesn't work out and I still don't like it I might take Shattered down and totally re-write the story over again. I am having trouble really liking my content when it comes to this story but I am trying too. I just don't want to give my readers something that bores the hell out of them! Don't be upset about it, it is what it is. I apologize for not posting anything but I'm just not happy with it and that is the only reason why there isn't an update! If this story doesn't get a chance to continue...then there may be an alternative soon.

I am a multi-shipper when it comes to TWD, especially when it comes to Daryl. This is one of the main reasons why I whipped my phone three years ago and began writing this story because I wanted this character with someone. So I want to do a compilation of short stories, imagines, x-readers, of my own for characters in the show or for my readers etc. If you're interested in something like that let me know! If you want me to try my damnest to fix Shattered let me now because I can only focus on so much when it comes to stories! There is a mixture of stuff going on in my head right's already hard enough for me to focus on two fanfics at the same time. So I might have to push Shattered off more and finish the other one...

Lastly, I'm going into the last semester of my college program on Tuesday, I have a full schedule...7 classes...lots of work. When I get free days which isn't very common in the program that I am in, I will try to fix the things I hate about Shattered. Also, if you like my writing or want to keep up to date on everything, I suggest you follow me I post a lot of statuses and try to keep everyone caught up. It really comes in handy with people that I follow, because their posts come directly to my e-mail :)

I'm done! I'm really sorry about this...It's killing me that I don't like this story and where it's going because I know I have readers that will be disappointed, it's just a mess! You guys are amazing though for reading, voting, and commenting!!! If this does fall through the cracks I will find A WAY to make it up to you!!! ***blows kisses***

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