Chapter 12: Ugh...What a Smell.

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A/N: Sorry, for freaking out so badly last week. I realize that in the end, this story is a big deal to me considering I've worked on it for so long. Why quit know right? Plus, it's my last semester in my college program and things might get crazy so I was worried about that too. Graduation is less than four months away, so it's going to be some heavy work. I think that is kind of the reason why I had the mindset of dropping one of my stories but I really don't want to upset readers, especially dedicated ones I'd feel awful... So forget the author note I posted we're moving forward! :)

I go upstairs and plop down onto the bed. I lay on Daryl's side rather than mine, it smells like the outdoors. My eyes started to feel heavy and I felt myself starting to doze.

I felt someone shaking me after awhile. "Hey, you hungry?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah...what time is it?"

"Dinner time." I sat up quicker than I expected.

"What!? You could have woke me up sooner!" I started freaking out.

"Why the hell would I wake you up when you're tired, Grace!? Come on...let's go get food." He helped me up and we went downstairs. Carol gave me a plate, one smell of it made my stomach churn.

"What in the hell is this, Daryl...?" I asked giving him the evil eye.

"Squirrel, with other shit in it."

"Squirrel? Can't you hunt down something a little better than squirrel...?"

He scoffs. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. What in the hell has gotten into you?"

"I don't think you need an explanation Babe, it's perfectly clear what has gotten into me... Carol, do you have any of that leftover casserole from this morning?" I asked setting down the plate.

"Of course I do!" She smiled. I walked around the island taking the dish from her. Daryl starts chuckling, it made me smile I haven't heard him laugh like that in awhile. I filled up a glass of water and gave it to him.

I then continued to get out some leftovers. "Shit..." I said putting the spoon back in the dish. The smell of the other food was making me feel extremely sick now. I quickly turned and started walking to the bathroom. Behind me, I heard the stool scrape against the wooden floor and footsteps behind me. I pushed the bathroom door open. "Daryl I'm fine...go eat."

I rushed over to the toilet and I felt my hair being gathered behind me. Everything that came up was mostly bile and maybe some food from this morning. When I finished I stood up, flushing the toilet. He released my hair and I turned to face him. He pushed the hair out of my face and pressed his lips to my forehead. "You good?"

"No..." I giggled. "I'm hungry...and your child is being stubborn."

"You helped, c'mon let's go eat." He grabbed my hand. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure that will come up too..." I sighed grabbing his hand. We walked back down the hall hand in hand.

"You alright Grace, or do you think you should wait to eat a little while?" Carol asked as I walked in the room.

"I should-"

"Eat, she'll eat," Daryl said letting go of my hand and slapping my butt. I walked forward to the island, my cheeks now turning red. Carol smiles sliding the plate in front of me with a glass of water. I sit down trying not to make eye contact with her. Daryl, of course, sits next to me.

"I'll be back." She says, walking out of the house. As soon as the door shuts behind her I slug Daryl in the arm.

"What in the hell!?" I watch as his food falls back off of his fork on to the plate.

"Eat." He demanded and I let out a growl. I started to eat and I actually went back for seconds I gulped down my first glass of water. Rick came in the house holding Judy. Michonne followed after him. Both of them wearing their constable outfits. I put my plate in the microwave after scooping out more casserole. I turned to see Rick pat Daryl on the shoulder. He then leaned down and whispered something in Daryl's ear. Daryl's eyes flipped to mine and then he got up as the microwave beeped.

I took out my food and began to eat again. It tasted like the best thing in the world. Michonne sat on the couch with a sigh as Carl, Carol, and Sasha came in the house. Carol locked up and came over to get plates for everyone. I was antsy for Daryl to come back. I was 100% sure they were discussing my situation. So I busied myself with helping Carol. She handed everyone plates as I gave them glasses of water.

When I gave Sasha her glass she didn't say anything. "Sasha, are you alright?" I asked.

"I wish I could say I was..." She scoffed. I knew how hard it was to lose a sibling, even if they did die before the apocalypse.

"I heard about you not having a job-"

"I have one now."

"Great!" I smiled and turned to help Carol in the kitchen. Daryl and Rick finally came back. Judy was still in his arms, she had fallen asleep now.

"Carl..." Carl got up and took his baby sister to put her down.

"Grace I got this, why don't you turn in," Carol said wiping down the counter.

"No, it's fine-"

" look exhausted."

"Okay, tell everyone I said goodnight."

I went upstairs and stripped off my clothes. The only thing I had on was my underwear. I climbed into bed pulling the sheets up over my body trying to fall asleep.

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