Chapter 11: Here Goes...

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I started to panic as I looked at the little plus sign over and over. I suddenly started to feel sick. I took the toothpaste out of the box laid it on the counter and put the test in the empty toothpaste box. I threw it in the trash and left the bathroom.

"Well?" Maggie was leaning against the counter as Carol washed dishes. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm...pregnant." I blinked and a tear rolled down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away.

"Grace...aren't you happy?" Maggie asked puzzled. Carol walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I just don't feel well...I think I need to go for a walk."

Carol let go of me and I went outside taking a deep breath. I wiped my eyes and started to walk. I was shocked, I thought this couldn't happen. As I walked I placed my hands across my stomach.

"Hey, Grace!" I looked over to find Spencer who was standing with two other guys. He crossed the street with them so he could come and bug me. I really wasn't in the mood to talk and meet new people.

"Hey, Spencer..."

"I just wanted to introduce you to my brother Aidan, and this is our buddy Nicholas." Aidan shook my hand.

"Pleasure, shouldn't you be with my mom?"

"I didn't know I was supposed to be with her all the time..."

"I mean it is your job, you know?" This guy was most definitely an ass, I wasn't a huge fan of him.

"Lay off, mom doesn't need her constantly." Spencer snapped. Nicholas was eyeing me hungrily which sent chills up my spine.

"It was nice chatting but I need to go find someone." I said with a smile.

"See you around." Spencer called as I started walking down the road. I really wasn't on the hunt for anyone, all I wanted was to walk. My mind was racing and my emotions were still stirring. Maybe I should go see if Deanna needs anything, it'd keep my mind off things.

I felt someone grab my sides causing me to jump. I pulled away and spun around quickly. "Damnit Daryl! You scared the shit out of me!" I started to blush.

"Hope you weren't expectin' anyone else to grab you like that..."

"I was just lost in my should be working on your bike. You need to get it done."

"I decided to finish early so I could come spend time with you." I smiled a little and we continued to walk together. He slid his hand in mine. "I saw Spencer talkin' to you, Maggie said he has this thing for you."

"Yeah, he does...hope you aren't jealous..." I laughed.

"He is more your age."

"Shut up..." I squeezed his hand. "Age doesn't matter to me, my ex was a year younger than me. Don't tell me it bugs you that I'm younger-"

"Maybe a little...that's only a year younger, you're 14 years younger than me." I stopped and let go of his hand, facing him. Anger washed over me and then sadness.

"So! I chose you, okay! I love you! And I have something..." I gulped. "To tell you..." I could feel the tears starting in my eyes again. I felt a knot forming in my stomach.

"What is it...?" He looked calm, I was afraid that it would soon turn into anger.

"I'm..." I took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant, Daryl." I backed away from him. I could feel the tears starting to roll down my face. He stepped closer to me but I backed up more. "Finish your bike...okay."

That's the last thing I said before turning back and going to the house. I was walking fast, my whole body was shaking. Every time I wiped my tears away, more would just spill out. When I got up the porch steps Glenn was on the swing with Maggie. He rushed up and pulled me into a hug.

"Shhh it's okay..." He said in my ear. Maggie got up too starting to rub my back.

"Sometime's we take risks, even if we think they won't pull through..." She whispered into my ear as they lead me back into the house. The cool air hit my face. I smiled a little thinking of what Maggie just said to me.

"I'll get her a cold rag." Carol said. "Sit her down, she needs time to calm down." She disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the door slam behind me, which caused me to jump. I turned around to find Daryl out of breath. Maggie and Glenn moved out of the way as he started walking toward me. He kissed me and then wrapped his arms around me hugging me tight. Carol came back with the rag, he pulled away from me taking it and beganto wipe my face.

"We'll leave you two to talk." Carol said. Maggie and Glenn walked out holding hands and Carol after them.

"Are you fuckin' crazy?" He asked still wiping my face.

"Yes..." A small smile pulled at his lips when I said it. "I'm sorry..."

"About what pushin' me away or getting pregnant?"


"Well, the baby's mine too. How did you find out anyway, did you just know?" He stopped wiping my face now staring at me.

"It only crossed my mind yesterday...but I wasn't sure so I asked Aaron if he could get a test. He stuck it in with toothpaste."

"So you're tellin' me I gave Carol toothpaste with a pregnancy test inside of it this morning?" I nodded grabbing his hand and dragging him into the bathroom. He put the cold rag in the sink while I took the toothpaste box out of the trash. I pulled the test out of it and handed it to him.

He took the test and looked at it. "It's not wrong...I'm sure it's been about a month. I've had all the symptoms, I haven't started my monthly, it's real..."

"So when do you think it happened? If you're already a month along?" He looked up still holding the stick.

"That day in the woods, when I said I couldn't have children." I crossed my arms. "Are you pissed at me?"

"Should I be? Could of told me about this part of it, this is our child we're talkin' about..." My heart dropped.

"I'm sorry, you were out yesterday and..." I dropped my head. "I was scared."

"You saw me last night Grace so that ain't really an excuse. Why the hell are you scared? Do you think I'm going to do beat your ass because you thought you couldn't have children and then a fuckin' miracle happens!"

"Well you did say that you didn't want to bring-"

"Fuck what I said, we're safe! We have a doctor! Plus, if I had really been worried about it that day we probably wouldn't of done anything." He steps closer to me. "I love you...honestly I thought this shit would never happen to me...I don't think I deserve this." He dropped his head.

"You deserve everything Daryl Dixon. You saved my life...I have a family...I have you...and now I have this." I placed my hands on my stomach. "Something I thought I could never have..." I stepped closer to him and kissed his cheek. He moved kissing me softly on the lips.

"I should take a shower before Carol kicks my ass..."

"Sounds good. Here, I'll throw that away." I smiled holding out my hand.

"Nah this is mine." He said slipping the pregnancy test into his back pocket. He left the bathroom and I followed a little bit after. I told Maggie, Glenn, and Carol to come back in. Daryl was already upstairs.

"Everything alright now?" Maggie asked. I nodded and smiled.

"It's fine..." She hugged me. "Thank you Maggie...for being like a sister to me." We pulled away from each other and I kissed her cheek. "I'm going to go upstairs."

"I'm going to start on lunch, I'll have Maggie come get you guys." Carol says. 

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