A New Beginning

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Perhaps working in the CCG previously had its perks; while snooping through some of the files one day, you discovered an area just outside of Tokyo that you dubbed a safe haven. Why? Because since the ghoul activity in that area was so incredibly low that the CCG rarely posts any investigators there. However, no normal civilian knew that as the CCG never released this information in case people just started moving there all of a sudden which would definitely cause a rise in ghoul activity there.
It was only when you and your husband arrived to the area when you found out that it wasn't the lack of ghouls that resulted in the little activity but rather the harmonious bond between them and the humans.

An elderly woman told you that years ago, when she was a young child, the ghouls made a deal with the humans; the latter would feed elsewhere in return for the humans to treat them as simply humans. This 'tradition' carried on and never faltered; it was wonderful.
After telling you and a rather uninterested Ayato, the elderly woman offered to give you a flat that once belonged to another couple who eventually migrated elsewhere. The only condition was for Ayato to follow the 'tradition'.

You and him moved in that night.
It was amazing to live together with him again, plus the apartment was still furnished with simple modern furniture.

The only things you changed were the bedsheets and other very personal things; you couldn't access your band account as you were supposed to be dead but thanks to Tsukiyama Shuu and his father who'd given you a new bank account under a different name, "which we'll top up every once in a while," they said, you had some money to kickstart your new life.

"(Y/N)? Are you done yet?" Ayato groaned from the bedroom while you stood in front of you bathroom mirror, scrubbing it clean. "It's late."

"You go to sleep first then," you replied, concentrating on getting that shiny surface to become even shinier.

Ayato mumbled something incoherent and you heard the lights turn off.

After a few minutes, you had finished your mirror cleaning, washed up and went to bed as quietly as you could.

Tip-toeing into the room slowly, you jumped when Ayato spoke up gruffly, "walk faster, will you? I'm waiting."

Smiling, you leaped into bed and landed beside him, you wriggled into a comfortable position and nuzzled against Ayato as he wrapped his arms around you, his heart swelled with affection.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

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