Everything's A Blur

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(A/N: IM SO SORRY!! My life was a train wreck recently, long story short I was admitted into a hospital of mental health blah blah but I'm okay now! And back to the fanfic!)
While Ayato was definitely relieved that you were back to your normal self again and were still alive, he couldn't help but to notice how dazed you look. 'It's normal,' he thought, 'to be dazed after waking up from an experience like that...' But as time passed, you didn't seem to recover and he was beginning to worry again.

"(Y/N)..." He said, voice slightly raised, hand patting your cheek gently. "(Y/N), can you hear me?" Ayato's heartbeat increased tenfold when you didn't react. "(Y/N)!"
You woke up with a splitting headache. As you groaned in pain, you realised that you were already standing up.

"How?..." You looked around in utter confusion, head still feeling as though someone shoved a knife in it.

A moment passed and you froze when you saw something extremely strange. It was you. Lying on the ground in someone's arms. The person holding you was familiar.
The way his face looked when he was worried, especially about you, was something you could never forget.

Even then, even when you didn't even know who he was.

"(Y/N)!" He screamed, shaking your partially conscious body gently, "(Y/N)! Don't scare me like this! Please!" His voice began to crack.

"(Y/N)!" His voice began to echo, like all three of you were in an endless tunnel. "(Y/N), please..." He began to cry. His sobs echoed in your head as well. "Don't... Don't leave me all on my own..." He cried, he slowly leaned forward until his head rested on your other self's chest. And he didn't stop crying.

"A-" You found yourself saying, not the other self, but you; the one watching the entire scene unfold. "Ayato?"

The boy's head shot up, he looked around wildly, his eyes red from crying. "(Y/N)?"

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