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His eyelids twitched, breath shaky.

'Ayato... I-' He knew he was asleep but he could see you. So close to him yet so far away. Ayato tried to speak but no words left his mouth. 'Ayato... I might die soon,' wait no! You looked at him, eyes filled with warmth and adoration, 'I'm being replaced in my own body...' (Y/N) 'I need you to save Hinami, alright?' Why aren't you thinking about yourself? 'Do what I couldn't.' You reached out and touched his cheek, you were fading away slowly. Why can't you let me be selfish for once?
"Atsuko," Haise said from behind your bedroom door, "we have to get moving now."

You replied with a soft hum as your eyes stayed glued to the paper in your hand, on it was printed a few ghoul records, one of which belonged to a "(Y/N) (L/N)". Whenever you read that name you felt a jolt of familiarity in you, like she was a family member you hadn't seen in years.

You sighed before putting it away and grabbing your bag, ready to go to work.
Throughout your entire day at work you felt uncomfortable. Like something bad was going to happen soon but everything was fine until the Cochlea was infiltrated.

Within minutes you'd changed into your battle gear and headed over to the facility, being told on the way that the invader was, in fact, Haise Sasaki.

'Why would he do such a thing?' You thought, the high-surveillance area coming into view, 'what is he thinking?'
You ran headfirst into the war zone, not thinking about any consequences with only the face of your friend in your mind. As you slaughtered ghouls from Aogiri, who'd seemed to have invaded the place as well, you subconsciously began thinking about Hinami Fueguchi.

'How easy it'd be to save her right now... I need to-' your thoughts came to a halt as you dodged an attack, your mind swiftly deciding to worry on surviving first.

"(Y/N)!" A voice that made your heart flutter yelled from a distance.

"Wha-" You turned around, only to feel an overwhelming amount of pain in your torso. Your eyes darted around frantically, 'I need to see the owner of that voice,' blood began pouring out from your mouth, 'I need to see him,' your eyes then met his and everything came rushing back.
Ayato saw you. He saw you fighting his people. He needed to see you.

"(Y/N)!" As you turned around, he regretted his decision as an unknown ghoul stabbed you through your torso. You fell to your knees but your eyes searched for his.

No no no no no not again not again not again please please please Ayato felt tears dotting his eyes as he felt his heart racing painfully. He ran towards you, your mouth was stained with blood.

He wanted to call your name but before he could, you called his.


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