Find Her Someday

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Once you heard Haise shut the car door, you immediately knelt down beside the ghoul. He laid there, not moving except for the occasional shaky breath that looked rather painful.

"Um," you said, pushed his hair out of his face, for some reason you felt calm being alone with him, "are you okay?"

He smirked and let out a weak chuckle, "no. I'm not." He clenched his teeth and inhaled shakily, "how can I be?" He looked upwards and met your eyes with his, "(Y/N)'s gone. After all these years..." His head fell back onto the ground, his voice now muffled, "and you're just gone."

"I'm sorry," you said, helping him turn over carefully onto his back and then resting his head on your knee, "I don't know who this (Y/N) is and what happened to her but... I'm sure you'll find her someday."

The ghoul laughed mockingly, his voice still muffled a little by the scarf around his face, "look at you... You should be the last person telling me that." He then carefully raised up his right hand to caress your cheek softly, immediately you felt tears escaping your eyes and running down your face. What the?... You thought, quickly brushing them away.

"Are you better?" You asked, not stopping his gesture but your eyes flickered towards the car where Haise was waiting, it'd been a while. The ghoul didn't respond but only dropped his hand from your face and sat up slowly, "I am." He said and then took off down the street.

You watched form your position on the ground as he ran away, not realising that Haise'd opened the car door and walked towards you.

"You let him go?" He asked, voice hard, you turned to face him and held your hand up. Haise sighed before holding it and hoisting you up into your feet.

"Yes, I did," you replied, brushing the dust off your clothes, "he's looking for someone precious, I can't let him die while he's still looking."

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