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When you woke, you were greeted by the image of an unconscious Ayato several feet away from you. Your head was pounding, and so was your heart as you struggled to get to him.

"Ay-Ayato..." You murmured, shakily getting onto your feet and shuffling over to him, your body felt like it weighed a thousand kilograms. You felt arms pulling you back, muffled voices calling your name like you were insane.

You weren't insane. You weren't insane. You weren't insane.

"Ayato?" You whispered again as you continued to hobble over to your lover. His eyes were barely open and his breathing looked nonexistent.

You felt a chill go down your spine when you felt your side split open and blood pour down your leg.
It was a strange sight. The originally unconscious you had woken up and though you looked like you were on the brink of death, you proceeded to painfully move towards the ghoul whom Mougan and Aura'd just taken down.

They watched in awe and disbelief as you totally disregarded your safety and walked past them to just to get what you wanted. To be near Ayato.

Aura Kiyoko huffed in annoyance as she watched you, whom she knew as Atsuko Sakurai, waste away your potential for the sake of love - or at least that was what she assumed. Being of the higher ranked officials, she was given full knowledge of your "transition" and memory wipe. Like many others, she thought you'd be a success, like Haise Sasaki, but alas you were not.

She sighed in disappointment before striking you in the gut; a manic sense of sadism rushed through her like adrenaline when she realised that you could die before reaching the Black Rabbit ghoul.
"(Y/N)!" Touka screamed as you fell to your knees. She'd tried stopping you, so as Banjou and Hinami but you completely ignored them as you shuffled towards her brother.

Touka wanted to pull you away when we noticed a CCG woman stride towards you but Banjou held her back. She felt a slight sense of betrayal and glared at Banjou.

"She has a Rize-like aura around her, the kind that I wouldn't want to mess with," he explained simply.

Wanting to believe his intuition, Touka simply prepared herself to save you if needed and watched.
As you sat on your knees on the ground, you saw Ayato's eye twitch and his arm reach towards you slowly. He mouthed your name.

You looked at him as tears flowed down your cheeks. This wasn't how your life with him was supposed to be. The two of you were supposed to be happy. Not dying.
Ayato literally felt like he was dying, not only physically and mentally but emotionally.

He felt helpless watching you about to get killed in front of his very eyes.

This wasn't how things were supposed to be. He wanted you to be happy and safe. He was supposed to protect you forever.
"You had a great deal of potential, Atsuko or should I say, you monster," Aura Kiyoko said as she whipped out her quinque behind you, "I saw myself in you; ambitious, cunning and intelligent. You could've been next to take my position in the CCG-"

She stopped mid speech as she was caught off guard. She felt a great pain somewhere but her she was too shocked to know where. She dropped her quinque and let out a blood curdling scream.

Aura Kiyoko raised her hand to find that her right arm had gone missing. "What the-"

She looked in front of her and realised that you were gone. The CCG Investigator looked around and felt her blood go cold when she saw her arm in your hands.

She was stuck to the ground. For the first time, Aura Kiyoko didn't know what to do. You looked too scary to approach. Blood stained your clothes and face and skin, with your kagugan activated and your kagune freed.

You looked just like a one-eyed ghoul.

When Aura Kiyoko snapped back into reality, she felt a great sense of rage, "what the fuck did you just do to me, you monster?!"

"Don't act surprised," you hissed, "I'm a monster, aren't I? I'll do monstrous things for the people I love." You looked at her in the eye and took a bite of flesh from her limb.

It tasted like absolute shit but you felt your wound heal and the rest of your body regenerate quicker with every bite you took.

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