How Can I Forget Truly?

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In the midst of chaos, you could hear sound of a gas being released.

Ayato... "RUN!" You screamed, blood pouring out from your mouth as your wounds healed slowly. The physical pain was nothing, he had to be safe.
I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared.

You were so young, it was such a long time ago you almost forgotten the events that had taken place that very day.

A strange man broke into your home and killed your father in his study, your mother heard the commotion and hid you under your bed.

"Everything will be okay, my dear," she said, the tears that flowed down her cheeks told you that she as lying, "just don't make a sound, alright?"

That was the last thing you heard in your mother's melodic voice.

As her screams echoed through the house, you heard footsteps approaching your room. Her screams turned to begs, "please! Don't kill my baby! Please! PLEASE!"

Your mind was young and naive but you knew you were about to die, to be killed by this stranger just like he'd killed your parents. You began to sob as you heard the footsteps get louder and louder, they were intimidating, they were frightening.

You curled up into a ball with your hands against your ears, trying in a futile attempt to block out the screams. The sound of the murder's feet.

You let out a cry of your own when he flipped the bed over and stayed motionless, except for the occasional hiccup.

"Mama..." You babbled incoherently, "papa..."

"Please! Don't kill my baby!" Your mother's voice was getting softer and more tired. "Please..."

I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared.

You failed to resist the urge to look at the man's face, at least you wanted to know how he looked like. Your eyes shot open, your vision was blurry with tears for a moment before they rolled down your cheeks, clearing up your sight.
Your eyes glared into his intensely, they were filled with fear but also bloodlust. For one so young, you scared him greatly. But before Arata Kirishima could kill you, a familiar voice rang through the eerily quiet home.

"What that fuck are you up to now?!" Arata cursed under his breath, Yomo Renji...

And he left. He simply escaped through the window, leaving you behind as an orphan.
You laid there as you watched him escape. A wave of hopelessness washed over you at once, you were alone in this world. So alone.

A deep sigh came from the door, and heavy footsteps approached you hesitantly. A sense of fear whipped at your heart, you just survived what could've been your death, would you be so lucky this time round?
Yomo Renji looked down at you and sighed, you were so young, so helpless. What was he going to do with you?
Why am I remembering this now? You thought as you laid down on your back, a strange smell invading your nostrils. You were about to lose conscience before-
The ghoul decided to bring you away from the place first, it smelled of death. He picked you off the ground gently and felt you tense up in an instant.

It was then he remembered his late sister's words, "children are smart, Renji, you have to be gentle before they'll look you in the eye,"

He sat down with you still cradled in his arms, he tried to hold you in the most comfortable way for you possible and felt a mix of relief and achievement when your tears stopped flowing and your eyes looked into his. He couldn't tell how you felt even though you tried your best to tell him with your eyes, thank you.
-you were being picked up in a familiar manner.

You forced your eyes open for another second and recognised your saviour by his hair instantly.

Ayato had just escaped the gas and felt slightly relieved but also extremely guilty. I left her behind. I left her behind. I left her behind. I left (Y/N) behind. I-

That was when two masked figures appeared in front of him, one of whom was carrying you.

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