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Ayato swore he was going to die from all the times you made him sick with worry. But then again, the same could be said with you; especially how he'd treated you in the past.

He sat by your bedside as you recovered from your self-inflicted wounds, the sacrifice you had to make to kill off Atsuko.

His hand held yours gently but yet firmly, he looked down most of the time but occasionally looked at your face, hoping to see any sign of waking up from your slumber.

You were so precious to him; even words couldn't convey it.
You woke up with a yawn, though you felt exhausted, you also felt as though a huge weight had been taken off your shoulders.

Looking around, you noticed Ayato by your side, holding your hand. He'd fallen asleep, his head'd fallen forwards onto your thigh.

Smiling, you leaned down and nuzzled your face into the back of his head, his hair smelled nice. It was only then you realised how much you missed that scent.

Completely destroying the serene moment by waking up and slamming the back of his head into your face, Ayato woke up.

You yelped and cradled your stinging face into your hands.

Extremely apologetic but also very relieved, Ayato quickly pulled you into a hug and pried your hands away from your face before pressing kisses all over; from your forehead to in between your eyes, to your nose and then finally lips.

His gentle kiss felt needy, it was the first in a long time. You began to forget about the pain in your face as you melted into it, your heart racing as though you were a schoolgirl who was falling in love.

You whimpered unintentionally when he pulled away to breathe, the gesture along with your reddish post-kiss face and your slightly agape mouth made Ayato feel... something stirring within him.

"(Y/N)," he said in a hushed tone.

"Yes?" You replied similarly.

"Let's..." he stopped, feeling extremely self-conscious all of a sudden, he'd been thinking about this for a while but never thought he'd actually ask you. You looked at him, silently egging him to go on. "Let's have a baby."

That was not the question you were expecting. (If you know what I mean)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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