Should Have Stayed

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Name: Sakurai Atsuko
Age: 18
Rank: Associate Special Class
Quinque: Akagami (1/2) Koukaku
[Artificial] Kagune Wielder
Partner: Sasaki Haise [and Nimura Furuta]
Sakurai Atsuko, formerly known as (L/N) (Y/N), had broken into the highly secure facility, Cochlea, and attempted to free Yotsume. Her attempt was a failure after the arrival of her ex-disciple and ex-mentor, Sasaki Haise and Arima Kishou respectively. She was defeated in battle and given a memory wipe, one similar to Ken Kaneki's. Given a new name and new past, Sakurai Atsuko was born.]
You woke up, a thin sheen of sweat covered your skin and your breaths were heavy. There they were again -- the nightmares. You pulled your knees to your chest and tried to calm down, only to end up choking mid-breath and coughed uncontrollably.

"Atsuko?" His voice said from your door, he'd opened it a peek after hearing you cough. "Are you okay?" He smiled at you, a tinge of sadness on his face but you didn't catch it.

"I'm okay," you reply, coughing a few more times before you felt a little bit better, "why're you up so late, Haise?"

"Couldn't sleep," he closed the door and walked towards you, sitting in your bed, "what about you?"

"I just woke up," you lied, "I'll probably go back to sleep soon."

"Alright," before standing up, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and left, closing the door silently behind him, leaving you and your racing heart alone.
Sasaki Haise grinned as the scenario played in his mind over and over, it was around a week ago but it was still vividly etched into his memory...

He was patrolling around the city when he'd bumped into someone, when he'd turned around to apologize, Haise noticed that it was the ghoul you had a relationship with, in other words, the Black Rabbit Ghoul.

When Ayato finally processed who it was, he took off, running through alleyways to shake the Dove off. His plan was working rather well, until he encountered a dead-end. It wasn't difficult, to escape upwards and alone the rooftops, but after hearing what the investigator had to say, Ayato couldn't move.

"(Y/N)'s gone."

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