Chapter One

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"Need any help packing your things, Teddy?"

"No thanks mum. I'm eleven, I'm sure I can handle it on my own."

"Oh, Teddy, your mother just wants to make sure you will be okay when you get to Hogwarts; wants to make sure that you get sent off right."

"Fine then. Can you get my wand? I can't find it. And could I also get you to somehow fit all of these textbooks into this tiny little trunk? Like the undetectable expanding charm?"

"No, I don't think so, but your father can get your wand to you while I get the rest of your books into your.... MERLIN'S BEARD! How did you expect this to fit?

Teddy's little trunk was packed quite haphazardly, with everything smushed in wherever it would fit. It was no wonder why the top couldn't close.

"It can't be that bad, mum."

"It really is. Just go find your father, and maybe he can show you the summoning charm while I try to fix this."

So Teddy left his bedroom and found his father in the kitchen with his wand hooked in his own belt loop stiffing some butterbeer on the stove that was warming up.

"Can I have my wand?" Teddy said to his tall father as he scooped some butterbeer out of the pot that was steaming his father's face up until it was red.

"I was actually thinking of taking it myself. Very nice apple wood body, and 11 inches. Dragon heartstring core too. I like mine and all... but his one is just--" He was cut off by his son.

"Dad!" Teddy yelled back at his joking father.

"Alright, alright! Here you go. Just remember, know magic. You know what nearly happened when your godfather, Harry performed magic outside of school...."

"That was after like, nine times! That won't happen to me after only one occurance!"

"Well, You never know. Just be careful."

Teddy strode off back to his room, hoping his mother would have finished re-packing his trunk by now.

"Hi mum. How's it going? Any way you could slide my wand into a corner?" Teddy inched into his room to see his mother sitting is his room looking around at the walls. "Mum?"

"Oh, hello Teddy. Yes, you're all packed up for the train tomorrow. I'd keep your wand with you, though, you never know what could be on the train...." His mum had a hint of sadness in her voice. Teddy was a bit concerned, but decided it would do best to keep quiet about that for now.
"Thanks mum."
"So, are you ready to get on the train tomorrow?"
"More ready than ever. I'm going to miss you y'know."
"Oh, I'll miss you too my little Teddy."

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