Chapter 02

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It was like deja vu. Looking at the mansion itself made me feel calm and safe and home. I don't know why but it really makes me feel better. Without my knowledge,my feet started to move and I started walking in the pathway to the mansion's door. I climbed the stairs and stopped when I reach the top. There are two large wooden doors carved with roses on its side. I'm itching to enter but what if the door is lock?

You can always broke in.

God,I'm plotting a bad idea again. I took a deep breath before I carefully pushed the two large door open. Please be open. Please be open. I silently prayed and when I heard a loud click sound my heart pound in happiness. It is open! I pushed it and stepped inside. I literally stopped breathing for a moment. My eyes wondered the wide room as I continue to walk inside. The place only have a little light but the chandelier at the middle of the ceiling , made from crystals or maybe diamonds, is shinning brightly. Checkered floor that are still shiny. There are two stairways on the side that lead to the second floor. There are large windows but are covered with maroon soft curtains. I went beside one of the windows and moved the curtains to the side.

The room was illuminated by the sunlight making it more clear for me to see the whole wide room. There are some furniture , I think, that are covered with white sheets. I think no one live here for a long time. I walked toward one big thing that is covered with the sheet. I carefully removed the cover and it revealed a piano. I think it was old, and it was dusty. I touched the keys softly then pressed one that made a high pitch tone. I smiled and begun playing the keys of the song The First Snow. I remembered when I was six my mother always play this on the piano whenever the first snow fell every winter. I loved its melody and it make me relaxed. She taught me how to play it and now she's not with us.

Why do you have to leave mother?

I continue to play and absorbing the music to myself. The empty quite room was filled with it and it somehow gives me happiness. I was finished in the chorus and was about to get on the second verse when a voice spoke and destroyed my play. My fingers pressed the wrong keys,creating a noise. Who spoke? Was that a ghost? Is this place hunted? Please don't tell me that this place is hunted and there is a ghost who will scare me to death literally! I am freaking out again.

"I asked who you are and what are you doing here." A husky voice said from behind me.

I slowly turned around only to see a man. Thank God its not a ghost or else I will faint. He is wearing a grey shirt that perfectly shows his muscular body and black jeans. He was also  wearing a shade that hide his eyes. I wonder what is the color of his eyes. But something is bothering me about him. On the way he looks, he was like someone who is very powerful and I can feel it around me.

"I'm very..sorry I-I broke in. I didn't know someo----Are you the owner?" I suddenly asked. What if he is a thief and planned to rob this mansion then kill me. Yikes! I think too much!

"Yes I am. Now will you tell me who you are? I never sme----see you before." He answered bluntly. And I also never saw you before.

"Yeah. with my dad two weeks ago. We lived in a house not far from this....f-from yours." I answered in a shattered voice. I felt so nervous around this guy and I don't know why. He just so....intimidating. There was silence,an awkward silence and I can't take it anymore.

"I am sorry again sir for coming here without any permission. I..yeah...I will go now." I said and hurriedly walked passed through him but then I stopped in front the open doors when my thought overcomes my action again. I turned to him.

"I never see you before my two weeks here." I said without my knowledge. I should at least stopped myself to talk sometimes. His head snapped at me.

"I just moved in or should I say moved back." Was his simple answer. My mouth form an 'O' before I turned around and dashed outside. That was embarrassing Sofia! I run down to the stairs and when I reached the bottom I hit something hard. And that something was actually someone's chest. I didn't lost my balance the someone I hit groan in pain. Oopsie! My helmet hit his chest.

"Oh my,I'm so so sorry." I muttered and looked on the ground. Another embarrassing thing Sofia! Damn, why do I have to get so unlucky today?

"Yeah that's....hey!" His mood suddenly changed from being pissed off to being cheerful. I finally looked up to him. Blue eyes meet mine. Another good looking guy. He has a blond hair, he was taller than me and got a good body like those models I see in a magazine.

"Hi! I'm Jeff!" He said and he smiled warmly at me. He stretched his hands to me and I hesitate for a second before finally shaking his hand. Should I tell him my name too? My mom told me about strangers. Yeah but he told me his name.

"My name is Sofia." I said as I let go of his hand.

"Well nice meeting you  Sofia. So are you--" Before he could speak another man holding a box cut him.

"Leave the poor girl Jeff. We got stuff to do!" He demand. He was also intimidating like that guy in shades. He was older than Jeff but handsome as well. He got a jet black hair and grey eyes. He looked at me for a second then looked away. He finally walk inside the mansion.

"Gee..that's Cristian by the way." Jeff said. Cristian, like in the movie 50 Shades of Grey? Haha, he was almost like him.

"So,I'll see you around." Jeff said his goodbyes but not before he wink at me.

He also entered the mansion while I hurriedly went out of this place. I need to get out of here before I could another embarrassing thing.  As I get nearer the gate there are men getting in holding large box and some furniture. Guess the man is not lying after all. What bothers me is that they all snapped their heads to me and stared at me for a second before they continue their work. I hurriedly get into my bike and hit the road.

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